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Clomid already

wasnervouswreckwasnervouswreck Posts: 356
edited January 2013 in Trying to Conceive
So this is the start of my second cycle with my KD. The first was literally a trial run just to see if he was serious about helping me. It was actually quite comical as you can imagine it isn't every day you look over at a guy you work with and say..." Uh, gotta question for you, have you ever considered being a sperm donor?" Of course, the reaction was literally priceless in that he changed about six shades of pink and then said " No, I have never done tha before. but yes, I will help you." So from that little conversation we talked about health history, bloodlines, blood types and I was able to see pictures of his son.

His personality is fabulous, health, weight, etc all perfect so it became a very easy choice. Of course I had told him about my uterous despicable abilities to kill sperm. So, he was kind of aware that he shouldn't get his hopes up that it would happen the first try. I didn't use clomid, even though the smiley was positive I am not 100% sure I ovulated. Even so I started the prometrium.That cycle was a bust

So fast forward. Here I am three days into cycle number two and I have just took my first Clomid. The plan is to do days 3-7 and test with smilies CD13, CD14,and CD15. Odds are pretty good i'll ovulate on CD15 as usual. Then starting CD17 I will start the Prometrium. Hopefully I'll get pg quickly. If not my donor has offered to help for at least three more cycles, maybe more if scheduling permits.

I wonder , is there anyone starting a cycle with me ? Anyone on the same meds ?


  • preciousgiftpreciousgift Posts: 2,191
    edited November -1
    just be aware... somtimes being on clomid can change your O date! Just a heads up :D
    ........................... :) Trying again soon :)..................................
  • Jen727BFJen727BF Posts: 2,304
    edited November -1
    I was going to say the same thing precious said -- beware that clomid can alter your O date. I would start testing a little earlier.

    Good luck!
    TTC No. 2 since Aug. 2014; IVF #1 - Cxld; IVF #2 - BFN
  • jaime527jaime527 Posts: 157
    edited November -1
    I'm with you, although this will be my sixth round coming up on February 11th. I agree with what the others said about the clomid, my O date tends to be on CD16 or CD17. Of course everyone is different, but the research I read said that it's average to ovulate about 10 days after your last dose of clomid. How much is your dose? Have you taken clomid before? I am also using a known donor and he's been very great throughout the whole process. Found out last month that I don't make enough hormones so that's being supplemented now. Just fingers crossed for baby!

    Good Luck!
  • wasnervouswreckwasnervouswreck Posts: 356
    edited November -1
    Oh yes I have been on several rounds of clomid and I got pregnant my third cycle (after a missed miscarriage) with my one year old. Actually, I probly shouldn't be on it anymore because I have had so many rounds.I supposidly ovulate on my own so it is more for egg quality and quantity.I am pretty consistant with ovulating on day 15 when I take 50mg, 3-7 . So I think I will do a AI on maybe CD13 if I see my cervix change at all or any other signs that see promising.I will definately do a AI on CD14.

    Good Luck Jaime!

    Have you done six rounds of clomid or six cycles total ? And are you doing at home or office AI? Hope you get a baby soon :)
  • old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
    edited November -1
    I wouldn't wait so late with your LH testing if you are doing Clomid Days 3-7...granted I am older but I did 3-7 this cycle and I got a positive smiley evening of day 9...I think even if you do it once a day I would at least test once starting at day 9 on....
  • jaime527jaime527 Posts: 157
    edited November -1
    Huh, maybe I'm just weird that I ovulate so late. I hope I'm not missing it. I'm using the clear blue easy fertility monitor and also some LH surge strips that I bought online and they tend to match up so I'm hoping that its correct.
    This will be my sixth round with clomid. I've had a long conversation with my doctor about it, and given that the first four were mostly a waste because I wasn't making enough estrogen she's comfortable going forward with it again. Estrogen levels were normal this month so hopefully next month it will take!
  • TheOtherLovingMomsTheOtherLovingMoms Posts: 1,481 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just know that the more you use clomid the higher the chances of your lining to start thinning out so keep an eye on that.
    I just turned 50 and fabulous!!! Enjoying life with my amazing family!!
    Mom to Rachel 33, Bethany 30, Rebekah 30, Zachrey 20 and several angel babies
    Grandma to Larissa 11, Brittney 11, Trevor 11, Destiny 7, Jayvin 6, Jackxon 3, Kaleb Joshua Rian 1. Grandbaby #8, Sariah Grace born 11-17-16
  • wasnervouswreckwasnervouswreck Posts: 356
    edited January 2013
    I know what you mean Jaime, I think you are talking about your day 21 levels being low? On clomid mine were 9.1 last time, but I still got pregnant and during that cycle I supplemented prometrium twice a day.I imagine that the prometrium will help with my lining if that becomes a issue. Or I can take Femara which is more expensive, results in fewer eggs but doesn't hurt the lining as much. Even after all of my Clomid cycles I never had light periods they seemed to be consistanly med-heavy and lasting 3 days ( usual for me.) Since I haven't taken clomid in over a year and lost weight I probly should be hyper vigilant on testing with lined test instead of just relying on smilies. Especially since I know that I ovulate within 24 hours of a smiley.(they don't give me much warning.)I have just done this so many times that I kind of just like to take a more relaxed approach this time.

    As far as you ovulating late, maybe you are and maybe you aren't for your body. And everyone is different.My concern is with you ovulating so late unless your luteal phase also is increasing you may not have enough time for a healthy implantation.Also, I know alot of women swear by the monitors, but you might want to get the Answer strips or check your cervix to see when it is opening if you don't already. Some women prefer to use fingers, but I prefer to use a speculum and visualize it.If you can see it you will start to notice a pattern leading up to ovulation. For example five days before my os is 45-50% open, three days before it is about 75% open , then it makes a very rapid change to 100% fully open 24-36 hours before I get my smiley and I have EWCM .It usually stays open for about 36 hours after I get the smiley and CM becomes watery and less EWCM. And then by three days post it is already down to 45-50% again with creamy CM .

    Alot of people told me I would ovulate late.... I do by just one day on average. On the cycles I took Clomid 5-9 I ovulated CD16. On the Clomid my luteal phase has increased by one or two days after several cycles. I have so far never ovulated early. I know because I use the smilies and tracking Mittleschmertz, cervical change , position, CM and I spot.I also have charting for my last two BFP that show a pattern. I am very fortunate in that I still have all of those calenders on Fertility Friend. If you haven't tried fertility friend online you might want to, it is easy to do and free.
    I really hope that you may have gotten something from my rambling. I wish us all sticky baby dust this month!
    Oh and BTW Jaime, will you start Clomid on the 11th or are you expecting to Ovulate then ? I am expecting to Ovulate on around Feb 10th. That would be so cool to be due at the same time with another poster :)
  • jaime527jaime527 Posts: 157
    edited November -1
    Thank you for the long reply. I appreciate all of the information. Lets see, my lining should be ok my periods are pretty heavy then moderate so I think I am ok there. I can't chart bbt because I work night shift so my temps are all over the place with my diurnal clock being way off. This also could of course be affecting my getting pregnant!
    I applaud you for being able to see your cervix with the speculum. I am apparently not that flexible or talented as I haven't been able to do so. I definitely can't reach mine with my fingers as it is so far posterior because I have never had kids yet (and trust me as an l and d nurse I check plenty of cervixes and know all sorts of tricks to reach them!). I haven't gotten a good feel for the ewcm yet, but can tell around ovulation that its there and consistency seems correct.
    I am starting my clomid today, days 3-7 with expected ovulation on the 10th or 11th. I usually have a full two weeks plus until the next period, so hopefully my luteal phase is long enough.

    Can I ask how do you normally do your insems? I am on estrogen and progesterone so hopefully that helps too. My doctor keeps telling me to be patient, that its a numbers game. But hard not to get frustrated. Okay....sorry long post/reply!
  • wasnervouswreckwasnervouswreck Posts: 356
    edited January 2013
    first of all I have him collect his "majic" i a specimin cup. As soon as it is out of him it is put between my boobs (goobies tip) I wait about ten minutes , this allows it to liquefy. Normally this wouldn't be a issue if he did it in a instead cup or something , but it is a major PIA to try to suck up sperm when it is still thick.You probly will get some bubbles, just tap them out and keep trying to get every last drop out while leaning the cup on its side.
    I usually use a piece of NEW sterile human urinary catheter. I prefer silicone 16fr cut to 3 3/4" in length. at this length it doesn't bend as easy. I attach this to a run of the mill everyday 3ml syringe (obviously no needle ) luer lock ok, its harder to fit but it does go on. This makes the combo still kind of short, but I would much rather have the syringe further inside my body empty than more sperm in a longer catheter and potentially wasted. I usually put my butt up on a couple really firm pillows nothing is more disheartening than feeling yourself sliding off ten minutes after you Ai'd. I lay down about forty minutes. From what I have learned tht egg is putting off some heavy duty hormones. And those sperms go right for it. They are through the cervix rather quickly. If the sperm are still at your cervix after fourty minutes they were destined to die because they were too stupid LOL.I try to AI before I get the Smiley, just because I am so fast at ovulating. If my donor will co-operate ill do it every other day.
    I totally get not wanting to temp I hated it and it wasn't reliable with my schedule. I used fertility friend just for charting my cervical change etc... I gave up on using it for temp!
    Oh and as far as checking your cervix I had a real **** of a time. The only thing I found that worked was to do it on the floor, push my butt forward like they tell you at the office and then put a pillow under my head . I put my speculum handles up and tilt down and i can get a much better view. Hope that can help :)

    Thats fabulous he has you so well medicated!Your chances have already been increased expotentially! I got pg my first round of Clomid with the prometrium so I am wishing you lots of luck
  • preciousgiftpreciousgift Posts: 2,191
    edited January 2013
    wasnervouswreck----this part of your post was so funny... :D:D:D:D:D
    If the sperm are still at your cervix after fourty minutes they were destined to die because they were too stupid LOL.

    Ha..yes, we all need the smart ones~~!

    I would also like to know where you get your catheters...too.. Thanks.
    ........................... :) Trying again soon :)..................................
  • wasnervouswreckwasnervouswreck Posts: 356
    edited January 2013
    I got the catheters from work. And they would be pretty accessible for someone working in the healthcare setting. They were special ordered and charged out for a resident that died a few days later. They weren't special by any means its just most of our people were using larger french than this person.Since anything that goes into a room is considered "contaiminated" they were to be thrown away.I figured why not try them? I used them for my BFP.

    Oh and once I AI I leave the syringe and stuff inside me.. I don't withdraw it for about twently minutes.It seems like everytime I pulled it out immediatly after AI alot of fluid comes with it.I want the little guys to stand a chance to swim out of the catheter and make a love connection.
  • jaime527jaime527 Posts: 157
    edited November -1
    I have some 8fr catheters that I got in a box if anyone would like an extra. NervousWreck-do you find that using the catheter actually improves the chances. I've been inseminating the day I O and the day after. Sounds like I should maybe be doing a couple of days ahead of time instead? So if I'm planning on O on the 11th, maybe try on the 8th and 10th too? What do you ladies think?

    Thank you for all your posts! Even when I'm only stalking what others say it's really informative and SO NICE to know others are going through the same thing. :D
  • wasnervouswreckwasnervouswreck Posts: 356
    edited January 2013
    If you are using fresh I would definatly try one before I ovulate! So if you are certain you ovulate on 11th I would try to AI on the 9th and on the 11th ... That will give you pretty good coverage. With fresh you can easily AI every other day and cover most of your fertile days.
    IDK if the catheter helps , but it certainly goes in plenty far enough and I can feel it hitting my cervix. With just the syringe it is anyones guess if I am anywhere near my cervix. 8fr might work pretty good if it is not too stiff, you don't want a nasty scratch on your cervix lol
  • aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Jaime - you definitely want to inseminate before you ovulate, not after. Ideally, you would inseminate 6 hours before ovulation - or within that window. That gives the guys enough time to get in and get to the ovaries for the follicle to be released.

    Obviously, it's hard to pinpoint exactly when you ovulate -- to the hour -- but, if you spread your inseminations out in the days leading up to ovulation/every other day and day of ovulation (if you are using a KD) or on the day of ovulation (frozen donor sperm), you should be pretty good on your timing.

    As a side note, I also ovulated on the later side with Femara, but it did move up my ovulation day each cycle I used it.
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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