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Talk to me about potty training a boy!
Posts: 1,685
Please talk to me about potty training a boy, I've read that boys and girls are different when it comes to potty training. I actually wasn't expecting to even be thinking about this yet. But the last few days our little guy has woken up from nap time with a dry diaper. So I believe that's one of the signs that a baby... excuse me, toddler, is ready to start potty training. Any advice or good types of potty chairs, or methods would be appreciated!
Also, he's not a big talker, he understands what we are saying to him but he doesn't actually talk much. So I am not sure if this will hinder our potty training him? Has anyone else had a boy who didn't talk much and still be able to potty train? Or should we ignore the dry diapers and just wait until he starts talking more? Also, we've found that most things he tries to learn he seems to learn extremely fast, like one "attempt" and then bam! he's doing whatever it is he had been trying. I know potty training won't be that simple, but that's another thing that makes me think maybe we could even with him not talking much.
Also, he's not a big talker, he understands what we are saying to him but he doesn't actually talk much. So I am not sure if this will hinder our potty training him? Has anyone else had a boy who didn't talk much and still be able to potty train? Or should we ignore the dry diapers and just wait until he starts talking more? Also, we've found that most things he tries to learn he seems to learn extremely fast, like one "attempt" and then bam! he's doing whatever it is he had been trying. I know potty training won't be that simple, but that's another thing that makes me think maybe we could even with him not talking much.
Hubby of kopykat451
TTC #1 5/16/11 = BFP 14 DPI / TTC #2 11/16/12 = No O; 4/12/13= BFN; 6/9/13 = BFP!! (11 DPI) - MC 5wk5dys / TTC#3 3 BFN's and 4th try 10/21/13 = BFP!!!! (Squinter at 10dpi!)
TTC #1 5/16/11 = BFP 14 DPI / TTC #2 11/16/12 = No O; 4/12/13= BFN; 6/9/13 = BFP!! (11 DPI) - MC 5wk5dys / TTC#3 3 BFN's and 4th try 10/21/13 = BFP!!!! (Squinter at 10dpi!)
Fast forward to his first birthday and I could suddenly tell that he was getting distinctly uncomfortable in his diaper whenever he poohed. So at that point I sat him on the potty, said "do you need to go toilet?" and because he already had a well established knowing of what that word "toilet" meant, he immediately started pushing whenever I said that word! LOL. So then, of course whenever you pooh you generally pee too, so consequently he very quickly also linked the "toilet" word with the action of emptying his bladder too.
Ironically he has only just started "talking" as such (one syllable words that AREN'T the basics like Mama etc) just this week, but it has made no difference at all the fact that he could not say much at all until now. He learned to nod his head instead, so for the last few months I have randomly asked him "do you need to go toilet?" (e.g. when he gets up from his nap etc) and he would nod his head yes or no. And whenever it was yes, he would go as soon as put on the potty. And whenever he would nod no, either nothing would come out or just the tiniest little dribble! ;-) Now he goes up to the potty when he needs to go and bangs on it, or carries it around the house lol, until someone notices that he is trying to tell us he needs to go!! :-D So he communicates his needs/wants with us regarding the potty without needing to say a single word!
Anyway, I hope that gives you some ideas/food for thought etc. Good luck! :-)
Until I had Shiloh, I thought there was no point starting potty training until a child was out of the crib (ie: in a toddler bed) because if they can't get to a potty, they can't potty train. All the books and "experts" said the most optimum time for success was 27-32 months. Shiloh did her own thing. The babysitter pretty much trained her and she was all done at 34 months. The good thing about waiting is that we skipped the accident phase. There were some misses overnight but not during the day. Seriously. Shiloh has had only 2 daytime accidents. One at about 32 months (and she sobbed and sobbed in embarrassment). And about 6 months ago she peed on my teen when she misunderstood Shiloh's crying and picked her up instead of taking her to the potty!
Obviously Shiloh is not a boy. But with the stereotyype of boys training later than girls, in your shoes I'd wait another year before really starting. IMHO, I'd rather have a few weeks of effort and then success rather than a year of hit and miss!
I have helped many kids, even boys, learn.. My best advice is do the naked three day method but don't take him to the potty, just make the potty available in a tiny space (we stayed in Es bedroom all the first day). If he doesn't seem to be getting it at the end of a whole day, pack it away and try again in a few months.
Also, my son is a scheduled pooper and so when I would notice his signs I would just put the potty under him and he'd go. I had a carry around potty and the bathroom. He also learned to sit down first and then stand up with cheerios in the toilet.
August 2015: BFP!!!
Our oldest, Sebastian, potty trained virtually independently in less than a week with no more than 5 accidents total at 21 months of age. And yes, he's a boy! :-) My midwife and several of our friends actually are of the opinion that we commonly begin potty training too late, the optimal time instead being between 18-24mos.
I also encourage lots of naked time and certainly making a potty available at all times for the first few days. We had the very simple baby bjorn potty chair and simply kept it near by wherever we were in the house. The switch to the big potty was no biggie and came within a month or so of being done "training". Sebastian began waking up dry after a 10-12hr night of sleep within weeks and we dropped night diapers at that point as well. We haven't had a diaper on him since before Christmas and again we've had less than a handful of accidents, EVER.
I say give it a go...what's the worst that can happen?! If it doesn't work, you try again in a few months. Oh and really the verbal skills aren't all that complex when it comes to potty training...if he can understand you and begin to learn to feel his own body be ready to go that's all he needs. :-)
October 2014
TTC #1 5/16/11 = BFP 14 DPI / TTC #2 11/16/12 = No O; 4/12/13= BFN; 6/9/13 = BFP!! (11 DPI) - MC 5wk5dys / TTC#3 3 BFN's and 4th try 10/21/13 = BFP!!!! (Squinter at 10dpi!)
I just turned 50 and fabulous!!! Enjoying life with my amazing family!!
Mom to Rachel 33, Bethany 30, Rebekah 30, Zachrey 20 and several angel babies
Grandma to Larissa 11, Brittney 11, Trevor 11, Destiny 7, Jayvin 6, Jackxon 3, Kaleb Joshua Rian 1. Grandbaby #8, Sariah Grace born 11-17-16
TTC #1 5/16/11 = BFP 14 DPI / TTC #2 11/16/12 = No O; 4/12/13= BFN; 6/9/13 = BFP!! (11 DPI) - MC 5wk5dys / TTC#3 3 BFN's and 4th try 10/21/13 = BFP!!!! (Squinter at 10dpi!)
The potty chair I mentioned that we use is available on amazon.com. It is super simple and easy to clean/use/transport.
This is it: http://www.amazon.com/BabyBj%C3%B6rn-051062US-BABYBJORN-Smart-Potty/dp/B002Q0YA4O/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1373574338&sr=8-2&keywords=baby+bjorn+potty+chair
Secondly, when you begin to have him sit on the real/big potty have him sit backwards. Makes aiming into the bowl much easier and you won't need to hold him up at the same time as he will learn quickly how to balance himself...much easier backwards than forwards. :-)
October 2014