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need advice - changing jobs while TTC

aghhgghaghhggh Posts: 60
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
What do you think? Would you risk a job change while TTC?

I've been at my current position for a little over a year. I enjoy my job (most days), but I don't feel very respected by my supervisors and I'm pretty poorly compensated for the work that I do. I went on a few interviews with a big health care center in my area, and it sounds like they are ready to offer me a job provided I don't get convicted of any felonies between now and the time my background report comes back. The new job would mean a 35% pay increase, better hours for me, better working conditions, a *pension* if I stay there long enough (and who still offers pensions anymore?), and full tuition reimbursement for part time coursework. But I'm scared that I could wind up out of a job in 9-12 months, depending on how short or long this TTC process ends up taking.

I don't think I'm willing to delay TTC any longer. I already resent that we had to put it off this long when we were originally going to try in 07. But I don't want to wind up putting my family in an unstable position. And I don't want to stay at my current job! DW is working full time at the moment, but there's no way we could pay our mortgage every month on her paycheck, let alone all our other bills. Ladies, what would you do?


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    mommylovemommylove Posts: 1,582
    edited November -1
    Well the job sounds huge pro there! :-)

    I do have to mention at least a couple of perhaps cons to changing jobs while TTC or while pregnant. FMLA benefits do not apply unless you've worked for the employer for at least 12 months. So, should you need job protection for taking time off for OB appointments, ultrasounds, etc you wont be able to get it under FMLA unless they are flexible with your hours. Also, having a high risk pregnancy (unexpectedly) for me it has meant taking A LOT of unscheduled time off and eventually being pulled entirely out of work during my pregnancy has meant applying for short term disability through my employer which again you only qualify for if you've been with your employer for usually at least a year. If I didn't have these benefits I would have lost my job and gone without pay entirely and worse without insurance benefits.
    Just a few things to think about in weighing your decision.

    Either way I wish you the best of luck in your decision...I know it's tough to be at a job in which you dont feel valued and are underpaid. I will say I am lucky to be working for a great company that has provided me a lot of benefits and flexibility during my pregnancy and also for my lengthy leave I'm taking after our son is born.
    October 2014


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    aghhgghaghhggh Posts: 60
    edited November -1
    Yeah, it's the FMLA thing that scares me. At my current job, I've seen them find reasons to fire women for being pregnant before, but since I've been there over a year they can't legally do that to me. ...Although, when my boss wants to get rid of somebody, she always finds a way. Write ups start happening for imagined offenses. This is actually part of why I want to leave.
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    RW17RW17 Posts: 197
    edited November -1
    I would be concerned with a few things-- when does the health coverage kick in, and what would be the maternity leave situation. I have heard of people basically getting no maternity leave because they hadn't been in the job for a year. You could consider taking the job and then not TTCing for 4 or 5 months...
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    WEhopeWEhope Posts: 42
    edited November -1
    I'm glad you posted this as I'm also contemplating a job change while TTCing. Except, in my case, I would even consider taking a pay cut to make a change (things are very unsettled at my workplace and things are happening that I disagree with on a really fundamental level). But I've been there for over ten years and have built up over 20 weeks of sick time that could be useful if we are lucky enough to get pregnant. My concern is that I will be so stressed out there if I do stay that i won't ever even get pregnant, making those 20+ weeks a moot point. I definitely hear everyone about the FMLA stuff, but I don't know if i could emotionally stand to take several months off of TTC while I find and settle into another job. Right now, I feel like i might even be willing to take the chance that I'll have to take a leave without pay. Or, am i just desperate because of how bad things are right now? Am I not thinking clearly? Would love some advice...
    With our angel, lost 10/15/09, but always with us
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    ShannyShanny Posts: 2,456
    edited November -1
    I am in a bit of a different situation but I did switch jobs while I was TTC and it was the best thing that could have ever happened for me and my family. I was working as a night Nanny for a wonderful family for most of the year I was TTC but we had always talked about it being just a 1 year position. When I was looking for another job they mentioned keeping me longer but I knew I needed to find something more stable and long term. I interviewed with family for a full time day position as their Nanny and Household Manager. When they offered me the job I told them of my plans to have a baby and they were very supportive which was a good thing because I actually got pregnant the week I started that job!

    Anyway, like I said I know that it is a very different situation (I don't get maternity leave either way so I just had to prepare fot that). You can consider though that with a 35% increase in pay maybe you could save up so even if your maternity leave wasn't all covered you could make it work anyway. your current job doesn't sound much more stable so why not see if this new job can be something that will make you happier? TTC can take several months in the best case scenario so you could easily have 12 months under your belt by the time you deliver.
    Good luck.
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    indigoscotindigoscot Posts: 246
    edited November -1
    that's a tough one. your new potential job sounds fantastic. i too get a pension (and with same-sex benefits dp gets survivor benefits on that)'s hard to walk away from that, really.

    i had a co-worker that flipped from contractor to full-time. she and her hubby decided to start trying to get pregnant thinking that it would take a while since she just came off the pill and of course they had first timer's luck. that meant that she didn't qualify for short term disability OR fmla. thankfully our company was very understanding and she did not lose her job over it. however, the 6 weeks she was out were not paid. maybe if you could factor that in for ttc purposes?

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