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guess what I woke up to??

GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
I woke up this morning to half a foot of snow, and it's still coming down... YUCK!!

Really starting to second guess every thing this month now... I still *feel* like this is it for me, but at the same time... well, you know, I had that temp dip today (0.11 of a degree C, still WAY above cover) and I got over pneumonia and now I have a terrible head cold instead (I have been sick the whole TWW) and basically, we just want this so badly, how coulod we ever get what we want?

Anyway, this is just a whine, I am always in such a lovely mood when I don't sleep the night before (slept like a baby, was awake every hour and a half!)

Oh, but on as positive note, it's exactly one month till my 30th birthday!!

Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!


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    TheOtherLovingMomsTheOtherLovingMoms Posts: 1,481 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    come to Ohio Goobie, lots of snow here. I am so sick of it. It is actually starting to warm up a little bit and melt the dang stuff. I am so ready for our vacation to California next month!!!
    I just turned 50 and fabulous!!! Enjoying life with my amazing family!!
    Mom to Rachel 33, Bethany 30, Rebekah 30, Zachrey 20 and several angel babies
    Grandma to Larissa 11, Brittney 11, Trevor 11, Destiny 7, Jayvin 6, Jackxon 3, Kaleb Joshua Rian 1. Grandbaby #8, Sariah Grace born 11-17-16
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    GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    UGH, we were supposed to have a very snowy winter, and so far it has not been bad - it would snow like crazy for a few days, then melt off for a few days.... now we have had COLD for 3 days and an assload of snow today... I don't wanna shovel!! Yep, I'm just whining, it's my day off and I wanted to have a lazy day, now I have to shovel AND clean the house since the kids made a gonormous mess, AND do laundry cuz I didn't yesterday AND my sister is pressuring me to join the gym with her... how do I explain to her that I do't want to join a gym when I am trying to get knocked up, when she is SO NEGATIVE about my personal life??! UGH, she is my big sister and has always been able to pressure me into whatever she wants, because it is easier to give in to her then stand up for myself, but I'm almost 30 and it's time for me to be as strong to her as I am to everyone else. But I have a feeling it's going to cause friction... and then when I DO get pregnant, wow, thats going to be fun too.. she is just frustrating me beyond belief. Hmmm, maybe I shoudl nto be having a text war with her while I am typing this, it makes me vent more! She has seriously driven me to tears now.

    Heather - Tim says as soon as you win the lottery and buy us tickets to come see you we'll be there!

    Pam - if you DIDN'T have snow, I would be more tempted to come to Ohio!

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
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    minnie0672minnie0672 Posts: 1,264
    edited November -1
    I woke up to another 6 inches too and it doesn't stop!!!! We've had one of the snowiest winters EVER in the Northeast. I'm all done with it!
    6 IUI's resulting in BFN. 7th IUI was the fun one with pregnant...then not...then ectopic at 7 weeks...IVF #1 - miscarriage...IVF #2 miscarriage 5w6d...IVF #3 cancelled due to not growing embryos and pneumonia...IVF# 4 same old story...BFP then miscarriage...this is getting old...onto possibly Donor Egg or Donor Embryo
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    TheOtherLovingMomsTheOtherLovingMoms Posts: 1,481 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    If it wasn't for my kids and grandkids being here I would move to California where Bree's family is at. But when we got together Rachel was pregnant with Larissa and I could not/would not move away from my oldest daughter when she was about to give birth. Besides that Bree was determined to move here because of the fact that I have kids here and she doesn't have any, so her moving here with me gave her an instant family of 3 grown daughters, and 8 yr old son, and 2 grandkids on the way.....Rachel was pregnant with Larissa at the same time Rebekah was pregnant with Brittney. I am so sick and tired of the snow and cold. Not to mention tired of getting sick every single winter. I even went to the ER Friday to make sure I don't have pneumonia because I have had this horrible cough for over 2 months and been on 2 different antibiotics and it is still lingering!! ER doc took blood and did a chest xray. Said blood work and xray are fine so it is viral, no meds for that. Just plenty of fluids, rest, and take breathing treatments every 4 hours. It needs to be gone by time we go to California!!
    I just turned 50 and fabulous!!! Enjoying life with my amazing family!!
    Mom to Rachel 33, Bethany 30, Rebekah 30, Zachrey 20 and several angel babies
    Grandma to Larissa 11, Brittney 11, Trevor 11, Destiny 7, Jayvin 6, Jackxon 3, Kaleb Joshua Rian 1. Grandbaby #8, Sariah Grace born 11-17-16
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    michgirlmichgirl Posts: 406 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I put it off all day hoping it would melt but I need to go shovel now : (
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    GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    Thankfully we have a pretty awesome neighbour who shovelled the sidewalk for us, so Tim only had to do the parking spots, and I cleaned the inside of the house instead... so we bought the neighbour a pack of smokes, cuz he shovels for us so he can empty the butt-cans when he's run out (ew) and he was very thankful...

    still feeling yuck today, worst want for nacho Doritos (the onion ring and ketchup ones are YUCK) and really want to sleep, but don't wanna nap too long. Some sunshine would be lovely, if anyone wants to send me some!

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
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    TheOtherLovingMomsTheOtherLovingMoms Posts: 1,481 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The temp actually got up to 57 today!!!! But its raining....yuck
    I just turned 50 and fabulous!!! Enjoying life with my amazing family!!
    Mom to Rachel 33, Bethany 30, Rebekah 30, Zachrey 20 and several angel babies
    Grandma to Larissa 11, Brittney 11, Trevor 11, Destiny 7, Jayvin 6, Jackxon 3, Kaleb Joshua Rian 1. Grandbaby #8, Sariah Grace born 11-17-16
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