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Circle and Bloom

wylinzwylinz Posts: 358
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
I did a few treatments of acupuncture to help me TTC. Well, I liked the acupuncture ok, but what really helped me was the meditation tape they played during my treatment. There is a guided meditation for every CD. They have a set of CD's for natural TTC and there's a different set for women using fertility drugs and for women undergoing IVF. I thought they were cool and wanted to share with my friends. I would also love to hear from anyone who has used it.
TTC #5 IUI at RE 11/4, medicated cycle. Yay!!!!!! It's a BFP!!!!!
Baby Hunter born in July 2012


  • edited November -1
    Very cool! I'm going in for an acupuncture consultation tomorrow. Where do they put the needles on you?
  • jes1014jes1014 Posts: 32
    edited November -1
    Mine uses that series too! I always fall asleep at the end :)
  • wylinzwylinz Posts: 358
    edited November -1
    I had them only in my back today. The last time I went I had them in my back and the backs of my legs. I really enjoy the series, too!!! Good luck girls!!!
    TTC #5 IUI at RE 11/4, medicated cycle. Yay!!!!!! It's a BFP!!!!!
    Baby Hunter born in July 2012
  • Beth81392Beth81392 Posts: 486
    edited November -1
    I did not use meditation but I did reflexology the cycle I got my BFP.
    Words cannot even begin to describe how much I love these kids
  • wylinzwylinz Posts: 358
    edited November -1
    Beth: You are the reason I started researching this in the first place. I remember reading that the cycle you got your BFP you did reflexology. I couldn't find anyone in my area, I'm in Denver, who does specifically provides reflexolgoy for fertility so I did acupuncture this cycle. I didn't really like the acupuncture. I tried it twice this cycle as the naturopath suggested. I just don't think it's for me. Can you give me any suggestions on how to find a reflexologist and did you use one that offered something specific for fertility? Thanks Beth and congratulations again on your little "prune." Love your ticker in your sig.
    TTC #5 IUI at RE 11/4, medicated cycle. Yay!!!!!! It's a BFP!!!!!
    Baby Hunter born in July 2012
  • GaBeekeeperGaBeekeeper Posts: 916
    edited November -1
    is it the CD by Anji? I used the medicated cycle meditation and that is the cycle I got my BFP! I also have the first trimester cd. I don't use it everyday but I listen to it alot. Sometimes it puts me to sleep so I don't know if I am really hearing all that she says!
    I love the music to it.

    I got my CD's on
  • wylinzwylinz Posts: 358
    edited November -1
    I have no idea who the person on the CD is by the website is It is a woman, though.
    TTC #5 IUI at RE 11/4, medicated cycle. Yay!!!!!! It's a BFP!!!!!
    Baby Hunter born in July 2012
  • jes1014jes1014 Posts: 32
    edited February 2011
    Wylinz, do you want a rec for a different acupuncturist? I really like mine but she's closer to downtown (18th and Logan)

    ETA: I just found one that does acupuncture and reiki !
  • wylinzwylinz Posts: 358
    edited November -1
    Thanks, jes! I'm checking out the website now. I really appreciate it!
    TTC #5 IUI at RE 11/4, medicated cycle. Yay!!!!!! It's a BFP!!!!!
    Baby Hunter born in July 2012
  • LovingMomsLovingMoms Posts: 1,078
    edited November -1
    Is the CD in question

    I'm thinking very strongly on getting this for our next cycle.
    July 2011 BFP, miscarried at 5 weeks.
  • wylinzwylinz Posts: 358
    edited November -1
    Yes! This is the other CD! I could not find this anywhere. It's a little different than the Circle and Bloom CD. Circle and Bloom has a track for every day of the cycle. However, I jut checked out Anji's website and it looks awesome and it's significantly cheaper. Thanks, LovingMoms.
    TTC #5 IUI at RE 11/4, medicated cycle. Yay!!!!!! It's a BFP!!!!!
    Baby Hunter born in July 2012
  • LovingMomsLovingMoms Posts: 1,078
    edited November -1
    Sweet. Thank you and your welcome.
    July 2011 BFP, miscarried at 5 weeks.
  • GaBeekeeperGaBeekeeper Posts: 916
    edited November -1
    that is the one that I used and I got my BFP!! I LOVE it!!
  • LovingMomsLovingMoms Posts: 1,078
    edited November -1
    Beekeeper- thank you! I'm going to order it for our next cycle. Anything to help a bean stick is worth it to me.
    July 2011 BFP, miscarried at 5 weeks.
  • GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    I have to remember to check thsi out later and see if they have relaxation cds and stuff for natural delivery... I am shooting for a home birth!

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
  • wylinzwylinz Posts: 358
    edited November -1
    Goobie: They do have CD's for a natural child birth. I'm defintely going to buy Anji's CD's too; hopefully I can switch to the ones for natural child birth really soon!
    TTC #5 IUI at RE 11/4, medicated cycle. Yay!!!!!! It's a BFP!!!!!
    Baby Hunter born in July 2012
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