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First Day of shots ~ complete!

edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
Excited! Took my last dose of Femara last night - started Bravelle (FSH) Injections tonight!

The last two cycles that didn't work we used Follestim - WAY easier with the pen vs having to mix the dosage yourself - BUT I didn't respond that well during the Follistim cycles so back to Bravelle we go - we conceived our daughter while I was on this.

Funny though I don't remember it being that tough to mix the vials before - apparently I either glossed over it in my memory or let my nerves get to me a bit today!

Ah well, it will be easier tomorrow!

I'm excited - and praying there are positive things going on in there with a good number of follies maturing!

How's everyone else doing??


  • KTZKTZ Posts: 1,240
    edited November -1
    Sending good follicle vibes.
  • care&alicare&ali Posts: 362
    edited November -1
    last night i took my first bravelle shot! im super excited as this is going to be our first attempt.. we are staying hopeful adn positive! :) sending positive vibes your way as well!
  • LovingMomsLovingMoms Posts: 1,078
    edited November -1
    Good Luck!!!!!

    I got my trigger shot medicine in the mail today. So here it will sit until needed next month.

    I wish you lots of sticky dust!!!!
    July 2011 BFP, miscarried at 5 weeks.
  • twondratwondra Posts: 81
    edited November -1
    So excited for you!!
    Tammy and Mark...TTC since 2003
    12 failed IUIs, 1 failed IVF after rare fertilized eggs not dividing, Adopted 3 perfect embies in April 2010--BFN.
    Undergoing FET with 3 adopted embies spring 2011 Mark's transplant journey
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