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10 weeks 3 days pregnant

GaBeekeeperGaBeekeeper Posts: 916
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
And I still don't believe it. I have seen two ultrasounds and have seen the proof that the babies are growing, but I just don't feel much of anything. Am I supposed to this early? I feel tired,, so I can say I have one symptom.
Some days I do feel some twinges, or a heavy feeling in my lower stomach. But I'm a big girl with a big belly already and so I don't know when it is supposed to change or feel hard.
OH, yeah, my BB's do hurt, but if I go all day without wearing a bra it feels so much better.
I have my next OB appt. on the 11th and I hope they will try the doppler and hear the heart beats. I will be 3 days away from 12 weeks so they should be able to hear something. I am trying to remember what the DR said at my last visit on Monday and I don't remember her telling me when I could hear the heart beat. I would feel so much better hearing that. I am not worried, but it would make it much more "real".
And I am a little sad that I won't get another Ultrasound until 16 weeks. I was enjoying looking at my babies every 2 weeks.

But I guess I'm just trying to say, some days I feel really bloated and heavy in my lower stomach and then some days, nothing. Is this normal? I am not having any cramps, or bleeding.


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    annerbonesannerbones Posts: 1,812
    edited November -1
    I am a bigger girl too and they couldn't hear the heartbeat until 14 weeks. They could see it on the ultrasound just couldn't hear it on the doppler. Just FYI - so you don't freak out. :)

    I didn't feel much until 14 weeksish then I felt butterflies, somewhere around 17-18 weeks I felt Maggie move.

    I had some morning sickness, never had sore BB's.

    Sounds like you are doing well!
    Progesterone therapy and baby aspirin daily

    Two miscarriages in between (August 2012 - same donor as Maggie, and December 2014 with husband)
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    Beth81392Beth81392 Posts: 486
    edited November -1
    I still feel that now.

    Just a heads up about the dopplar. I was 13 weeks and the OB needed to manipulate my uterus (FROM THE INSIDE) to get a heartbeat. If they cannot find the heartbeat I would just ask for another ultrasound, to ease your mind.

    Words cannot even begin to describe how much I love these kids
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    GaBeekeeperGaBeekeeper Posts: 916
    edited November -1
    thanks everyone!!
    Heather- yeah, it is strange, even Holly will ask me,, "Are you sure your pregnant?" Guess, we are so scared that someone is going to say,, Surprise we were just kidding!!
    As far as my cravings go, I just want to eat bad food LOL I am having to make myself eat veggies and drink water.
    Going to try the Crystal light pure water flavors. It has no artificial sweeteners so it will be ok for me to have.
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    jenoglvjenoglv Posts: 669 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I never once threw up and only had sore boobs for maybe 2 weeks. I did have cramping, but trust me, that isn't a reassuring symptom. Mainly I was just super tired. So all your symptoms (or lack there of) sound perfectly normal to me. :-)
    Jennifer SMBC, mama to Rhys.

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    coryandamandacoryandamanda Posts: 1,527
    edited November -1
    Just be greatful for the lack of morning sickness, especially with twins. I'm sure with 2 in there your belly will start growing at the speed of light in the next few weeks! I am 17 weeks and just starting with a real belly where I feel like I kinda look pregnant instead of fat and started "feeling" pregnant.
    July 4, 2015
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    tc0104tc0104 Posts: 579 ✭✭
    edited November -1 are lucky! I had terrible MS amd took 3 hr naps everyday. My tummy started to pop at 13 wks.
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    muripherousmuripherous Posts: 264
    edited November -1
    I'm glad I'm not alone! I'm eleven weeks today and haven't even had an ultrasound yet. My first OB appointment is this evening so, I'm hoping that they schedule me for one SOON!!!
    Thus far, my "symptoms" include heavy-feeling breasts, lower-back pain (mostly in the morning), I'm extremely tired much of the time, and I pee a lot more than I used to.
    But, that's it! No morning sickness whatsoever. This still doesn't feel real to me. And it's still scary because I haven't seen/heard/felt anything yet.
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    miaandsabrinamiaandsabrina Posts: 723
    edited November -1
    I wanna kick the majority of you alls butts!!! No morning sickness?!!! What?!!! I'll be 12 weeks Wed and I've been sick since week 5~it's gotten worse each week. I'm really hoping after I hit the hump of 12 weeks its slowing down!! My boobs are starting to slowly not be AS sore, I think I need a sports bra for nite time. When I wake up I feel like I've slept with them behind my back!!!! So, we shall see!!! Good luck to all of you sickless folks!!!
    Our worlds collided and together we've been blessed with perfection!
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    michgirlmichgirl Posts: 406 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had no symptoms what so ever. I felt nothing, you could not tell I was pregnant, zip, zilch, nadda. Then one day around 19 20 weeks I became ginormous! and the boys were taking a kick boxing class. As scary as it is be happy for now because I suspect you will pay later! :)
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    GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    LOL miaandsabrina - I know the feeling! My boobies are not nearly as sore as they were int he beginning, but I have a fine routine going on of: get up, cup of coffee, oatmeal, an hour later toast, an hour later yogurt, and hour later lunch then a nap. Then I eat every 1.5-2 hours (small snacks) all afternoon as well or I gag and puke constantly... for me having SOMETHING in my belly eases the nasuea (though ironically I cannot eat till I have a cup of coffee to "awaken" my hunger in the morning). After dinner all bets are out the window, about 8pm I get so horribly nauseated that nothing works but laying o the couch and feeling mierable till I get my kids in bed, then I hit the bath at 9ish and am in bed 9:30ish feeling queasy and gross.

    For those of you with no MS... be THANKFUL! Though, I do take my pukeiness as an indicator Mortimer is doing well, so I understand wondering about lack of symptoms... I had no MS with my first and he was a beautiful, healthy 10 pound butterball at birth, so really it goes either way!

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
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