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IVF Questions - Cross Posted

minnie0672minnie0672 Posts: 1,264
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
Hey ladies - well I don't "officially" get to join this side yet but I was hoping some of you might help with some questions that I have.

I have an appointment with my RE today to talk about how the last 3 cycles (this one included) have gone and to talk about next steps should I not get my BFP this month. I know that he's thinking IVF because we already discussed that we'd do 1 month clomid and 2 months Femera and we are!

For those of you who have done IVF are there any specific questions I should be asking? I'm really nervous about this and plan to talk to the 3 women at school who have done or are currently doing IVF. I am going to the appointment myself but my mother is going to be on speaker phone for it because she'll catch what I don't.

Suggestions? Questions you'd ask?

Thanks ladies :) Here's to NOT having to do IVF and getting my BFP in 2 weeks!
6 IUI's resulting in BFN. 7th IUI was the fun one with pregnant...then not...then ectopic at 7 weeks...IVF #1 - miscarriage...IVF #2 miscarriage 5w6d...IVF #3 cancelled due to not growing embryos and pneumonia...IVF# 4 same old story...BFP then miscarriage...this is getting old...onto possibly Donor Egg or Donor Embryo


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    twicejesstwicejess Posts: 228
    edited November -1
    I really hope you don't have to go the IVF route! BUT if this attempt doesn't work, it may bring you closer to your bfp than more IUIs.

    I'd ask the basics first.
    Long or short Lupron protocol? I highly recommend LUPRON over any other suppression drug. And it all depends on the doc whether they do long or short protocol. (basically how long you're on lupron before the stim drugs start).

    What stim drugs do would they start you off with? Which pharmacy do they use?

    What are their stats for your age. How many eggs to the hope to retrieve.

    Do they do ICSI (inject the sperm into the egg, most places do this regularly now). I would definitely recommend this!!!!!!

    Do they work with fertility lifelines? If cost of meds is an issue for you (my meds were $4500 for the second IVF, I got most of mine for free the first time through fertility lifelines).

    You should also have a meeting with a financial person while you're there. They can break down your costs and options.

    How many embies do they typically transfer?

    How are the embies graded?

    WHO does the procedures? I had a different doctor for the retrieval and transfer.

    Ask about your recovery time for both the transfer and retrieval! This varies greatly from doc to doc!

    I am sure there are more questions to ask BUT I don't have my IVF book here so, I can't think of anymore off the top of my head!

    They probably will answer most of these questions for you as they give you info. But I'd definitely ask about the fertility lifelines meds. It is run by the company that makes gonal F. so that would be the stim. They do not provide lupron, there is another supression drug ( CETROTIDE) that I took for the first IVF and I think it really screwed up my eggs! I was on stims for 21 days (typically 10-12) and I used TONS of Gonal F. It was like the gonal and the Cetrotide were competing against each other. And I had 24 eggs at 12 days but my E2 level wasn't high enough....then I lost a bunch of those eggs by the time my E2 was above 1000, I only had 5 eggs retrieved and only 1 fertilized. SAD! So, I would definitely ask for the LUPRON! Second IVF (WITH LUPRON) I stimmed for 9 days and got 13 eggs! Much easier on my system all together. The stims were killing me the first round. I was on them WAY toooooooooooooooooooo long!

    I think it's fertility lifelines and compassionate cares. Serono is the drug company. They also give Ovidrel...the trigger!

    GOOD LUCK, let us know how it goes today!
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    minnie0672minnie0672 Posts: 1,264
    edited November -1
    Thank you SOOOO much for the information!!! The whole reason to go to IVF at this point is basically that insurance kicks in :) YAY INSURANCE! I've talked with some of the other women here at work who have done IVF (at the same clinic) and they said that our insurance was great and they paid for virtually nothing which is pretty great seeing as everything up to now has been out of pocket.

    Thank you again :)
    6 IUI's resulting in BFN. 7th IUI was the fun one with pregnant...then not...then ectopic at 7 weeks...IVF #1 - miscarriage...IVF #2 miscarriage 5w6d...IVF #3 cancelled due to not growing embryos and pneumonia...IVF# 4 same old story...BFP then miscarriage...this is getting old...onto possibly Donor Egg or Donor Embryo
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    twicejesstwicejess Posts: 228
    edited November -1
    You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky that your insurance works with you! That is awesome! I will say that after paying for 3 IVFs (2 for me and 1 for DP) I hate the thought of doing it again! I am hoping that her insurance changes before she goes again : )

    IUIs are a lot cheaper if you have to pay everything out of pocket but the odds aren't as high. So, this time I only did 2 IUIs before going to IVF.

    YAY! Hopefully you won't need IVF though! GOOD LUCK!
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