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When is the time to start looking at pediatrician?

BMJKBMJK Posts: 113
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
I feel like we are behind on everything. Part of me feels that we have plenty of time, but then the other half ( which is the bigger half) is screaming that " We have NO time!!!!!" SO.. I really feel that we are behind on pediatrician hunting. I think I want to use the pediatrician that I had as a child, because I LOVED him. But I am still uncertain, because I don't know how his office would handle our relationship. I want our daughter to have the BEST!! I also want our family to feel welcome and comfortable with everything that has to do with our visits.

Anyways, my real question is when should we start hunting and calling pediatricians?



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    cocobaycocobay Posts: 1,318
    edited November -1
    Well I started looking into certain offices that I liked a few weeks ago and today was the first day that I actually called the offices. My guess would be to make a list of things you want to discuss with the pediatrician and then schedule a "pre-natal consultation" with the office so you can go over everything on your list and get a general idea of your opinion of the doctor. I know how hard it is to find a doctor ok with out situation in such a small minded state as you have said previously on my topic. Good Luck!
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    mommylovemommylove Posts: 1,582
    edited November -1
    We started during the second trimester for the Pediatrician hunt and found one we simply LOVE. I find it imporant to seek out a Pedi early on to establish a relationship with him/her that makes you feel comfortable. You will depend on them and their office greatly in the first weeks/months after birth and it's nice to feel good about who you are involving in the journey of raising a child, doctor or otherwise.
    I find it extra important for those of us in "alternative" families...the last thing I want to deal with from a Pedi is any questions about our two-mom family. We also had some specific requirements on how they felt about delayed/skipped vaccine schedules as well as other issues we felt were important to us.

    So, all in all, I don't think it's ever too early. This way if the first one or two you meet with aren't working for you, you have plenty of time to search out another one and switch. If you call the offices they will book pre-birth, meet-and-greet appointments with the Pediatrician for you so you can ask him/her all the questions you want. :-)
    Good luck!
    October 2014


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    annerbonesannerbones Posts: 1,812
    edited November -1
    I asked for recommendations from friends on Facebook, then found which ones were covered by my insurance, set a pre-natal appointment when I was 24 weeks pregnant. I met two doctors one who was so abrupt there was no way she was taking care of my child and the other who came highly recommended was awesome - when I say I want to delay a vaccination we discuss why, and he really treats Maggie and me with a lot of respect.

    I had 2 pages of questions to take with me when I went to the pre-natal appointment. I went over what my expectations were after the baby was born - and as a single parent those are probably different than your since you have a dp. Both of you should come up with questions and both of you meet the dr.
    Progesterone therapy and baby aspirin daily

    Two miscarriages in between (August 2012 - same donor as Maggie, and December 2014 with husband)
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    twicejesstwicejess Posts: 228
    edited November -1
    I moved to our current city 3 months before Lauren was born. DP asked her coworkers where they took their kids...ALL of them said the same place. So, the day I gave birth that is the place I put down as her pediatrician. I didn't do the interview or any of that. Sure I felt guilty until Lauren's first official appt. I LOVE OUR DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!! I really do. I couldn't have described a better pediatrician for our kids. She is just perfect. She was the one who came to check lauren and discharge her and so that is how we are "HER" glad it worked out that way.

    It will fall into place!
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    coryandamandacoryandamanda Posts: 1,527
    edited November -1
    We didn't interview either. There was a practice, that actually has several locations throughout the east coast of FL and each location has a number of pediatricians. I figured with that many to choose from in one office we had to like ONE of them and we ended up loving the first one we saw. Then she left the practice and we were SO bummed but then loved the next one we chose! When we moved we had our records transferred to the location in our new city and saw a dr there that our former pediatrician recommended and he is great as well, although I am not wild about a couple others we saw once for sick visits when our ped was not in the office.
    The thing that is best about our ped is that they are open 7 days a week and have night hours a few of those days until 8 or 9 pm.
    July 4, 2015
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    bethiebrookebethiebrooke Posts: 128
    edited November -1
    I started calling pediatricians on my list from insurance and stared making appointments for interviews a few months before my son was born. I believe I saw three, before I decided.
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    K&HK&H Posts: 3,368 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Since we both worked as nannies we started vetting pediatricians about seven years before E was born! It turned out that Darling's pediTrician was our favorite, so now they have he same one. We love him. He loves us and Esther is well cared for.
    Ask your friends for reccs. Start thinking about it any time now. As long as you have a name to put down when baby is born youll be fine.
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