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Ye-Haw!! +OPK Finally Came!

TheMysticalOneTheMysticalOne Posts: 850 ✭✭
edited July 2012 in Trying to Conceive
So I finally got my +OPK this morning! It was almost too late, almost 5 days, and my tank goes back tomorrow. I have hardly any CM, which isn't that unusual, but it was way past my normal ovulation time. I used up all my smileys, went back to the store to get more and have been using cheapies in between. Was almost ready to give up and decide to take a cheapie this morning. Thought it looked darker than usual and took a good test. Guess what--SMILEY! I could hardly believe it. I don't know if it helped or not, but I have been drinking pregnancy tea and using false unicorn root tincture.

I didn't want to have to send it back and would have done pretty much anything to jumpstart ovulation. VERY unusual for me to ovulate at this time. My previous natural cycles I didn't ovulate at all while TTC. I apparently have a "sensitive" body which doesn't take stress well!! But so glad I'm going to finally ovulate. Let's hope it keeps it up! Will probably do one insem tonight and one tomorrow morning and then send the tank back in time. It's like a miracle!! So happy and so thankful. I know I'm not pregnant yet, but I am very thankful to at least have been given the CHANCE! :D

PS: I just noticed it's been exactly three months since my miscarriage. Let's hope this is a chance for a brand new start!


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    preciousgiftpreciousgift Posts: 2,191
    edited November -1
    Yeah.. SO happy for you that you got your smiley... same thing happened to me this month... with one day to spare I get smiley almost a week late...?
    Yeah... good luck!
    ........................... :) Trying again soon :)..................................
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    mrslebrewmrslebrew Posts: 344
    edited November -1
    Woohoo! Here's to you getting your BFP this cycle
    And here's to fresh starts! :)
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    old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
    edited November -1
    Isn't it great when you see that smiley! So glad it came in time to try before you had to send those swimmers back! Good Luck to you!
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    Jccwill3Jccwill3 Posts: 687
    edited November -1
    whoever invented that smiley is genius. congrats! on to baby making. go team SMBC!
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    TheMysticalOneTheMysticalOne Posts: 850 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    *Fistpump for SMBC!*

    Did my 1st insem last night and my second early this morning. Had some nice cramping (those two words in a sentence, lol...I know). So super happy about that! Go eggs! Go spermies! Love those last minute smileys, even though it scared me to death! Now I'm off to change my signature. Have to add a #5 try!
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