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2moms2moms Posts: 731 ✭✭
edited November -1 in Parenting and Life
Call us lucky but our son has only been "sick" once. He's had little colds here and there but nothing major. Now he has a fever of 101+ and is NOT himself! He usually chugs he didn't really drink anything. He's super cranky and just wants to lay around...which is sooooo not him! We're giving him Tylenol and Ibuprofen but how long do you let a temperature go on for before you see the pediatrician? I'm not sure there's anything they could do though.


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    melmel Posts: 793
    edited November -1
    For something that high and not drinking, I'd go in tomorrow. It could be strep. If it's not, then the copay is worth the peace of mind.
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    SPJ&ESPJ&E Posts: 874 ✭✭
    edited September 2012
    The fever is the body's way of killing off whatever it is so I don't medicate fevers unless they get in the 103 range OR kiddo is just plain miserable (restless and crying). The fever will make him feel crappy, but it's also the body's way of MAKING him rest so he can get better. My kids' doctor recommends waiting it out for 3 days before coming in, but that's also assuming fever is the only symptom.

    Will he drink watered down Gatorade (or Pedialyte) at all? If mine have a fever and aren't drinking (or they have a stomach virus), it's the first thing we go for just to try to make sure they stay hydrated. I figure even if they only drink a little, it's adding back in the elecrolytes and what-not they are missing. Would he drink a little medicine cup of it (or even water) every 30 minutes or hour? Mine think drinking from a medicine cup (or spoon or dropper) is just awesome, though your little guy might not be in the mood to find the fun in it. They also have those Pedialyte popsicles. We've never tried them, so I have no idea how well they go over with kids.

    Hope he gets better soon!
    Mom to P (13), J (11), E (6), and Q (born December 2017)
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    ShannyShanny Posts: 2,456
    edited November -1
    treat the child, not the fever. It sounds like this is really unusual for him - and therefore you. I'd take him in for peace of mind. There's probably about a 75% chance it is viral and nothing you can do but on the 25% chance it is something that requires antibiotics, better to know sooner than later!
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    ZenZen Posts: 2,942
    edited November -1
    If Shiloh runs a fever at preschool and I have to go and get her, I usually go straight to the pediatrician's office. Like last Thursday when I picked her up with 103°F. Then they look and listen and if all clear, send me home with instructions to keep her hydrated and maybe give Tylenol or Motrin. There have been a couple of times though when the look/listen turned up ear infections needing antibiotics. But most of the time the visit to the doctor is more for my peace of mind than Shiloh's health!
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    2moms2moms Posts: 731 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks ladies! His temp is anywhere from 99.8-102 on motrin/tylenol. If he's still got a high temp in the morning we're going to take him in to get evaluated. Of course Princess L does not understand why her brother could possibly need more attention then it's been quite interesting. Those of you with sick babes....I don't envy you in the slightest. Reflux and food intolerance we're masters at by now since both of them had those issued. Fevers....not so much!
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