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Here we go!

smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
edited November -1 in Our Train of Hope
Wow, this has been quite the journey! But I feel I am exactly where I am suppose to be in this process. I am just waiting for my dear friend AF to show which should be today to finally give this another go! I have selected a new donor, and I just feel like he is the guy! So happy about the way things are going just praying that my body cooperates! Thats it for now just wanted to start with my first post.


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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    AF started on Friday September 21. I will be starting 100mg of clomid on cycle day 3-7. I will have a mid cycle sono on October 2 @ 11:00 to see how the follies are doing!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Mid cycle sono was horrible could not find the ovaries or follicles. Lining was a nine. RE did an abdominal sono and saw 16mm follie on right side and 13mm on the left. She then sent me to have bloodwork. I have not ovulated yet and my estrogen was a 279. RE is thinking that follicles will continue to grow 1-2mm a day so I will trigger Thursday at 9:30 and have my IUI on Saturday at 9:30. Trying to remain optimistic!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    So much for the plan. My body has its own plan! I got a big :) this morning, so I called the RE and now we are not doing the trigger and will have IUI Friday 10/5 at 10:30!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    IUI was done at 10:30, I had ovulation cramping all night. The nurse said cervix was nice and open. So now 2WW!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Just a little update during the 2ww. I have been really positive and had a good feeling about having success since the IUI. I have had a few symptoms like sensitive boobs, a headache that won't go away, bloating, and twinges. Maybe it is my head playing tricks on me I don't know. I guess we will find out soon! Like an idiot I tested on 9dpo and it was negative. I think I am going to try to wait until 12 dpo before I test again. Seeing that BFN hurt more than I thought it would. I keep trying to remind myself, "You are pregnant until proven otherwise"
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Friday, October 19 AF shows her ugly face! On to 2nd IUI!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Cycle 2 mid cycle sono shows 16mm on the right and 2 14mm on the left. I trigger tomorrow night and iui will be thursday.
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Iui @ 36 hours after trigger.
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited April 2013
    Well I am back for round 3 doc asst IUI! Clomid,trigger, and mid cycle sono. Yet another donor hopefully this one is the one.

    cycle cancelled poor response only one lead follie only a 12mm
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    So new game plan is Femara, Gonal F, trigger, iui. Started Femara April 1 will have first Gonal F Shot Wednesday. Excited, nervous, not sure but hoping for the best!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    So sono today showed 17mm follie on right and two 13mm on right. Finally found left ovary and it has a 12mm and several smaller follies. So excited and hopeful! Waiting for a call with my e2 level for further instructions on when to trigger and iui!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    So my e2 was only 82 so gonal f 150 tues and weds, trigger Thursday night and iui on saturday morning! Please let the 13mm and 12mm catch up!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    IUI was done at 10 am 36 hours past trigger now in the 2ww!
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    gonnabeamommasoongonnabeamommasoon Posts: 257
    edited November -1
    I love your train! Keep us posted. :)
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    So RE also prescribed progestrerone suppositories. I started taking them the morning after IUI. The first couple of days were fine. But now it is gross and messy. I googled it and it is normal but yuck it leaks, and little chunks of the gel have been coming out the last two days. They say it is ok and the your body absorbs the progesterone that it needs but yuck! I hope this leads to a BFP, or else I am gonna be mad!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    BFN. Unsure of if/when trying again.
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    So here I go again... Cycle day 1 was march 13 we are doing:
    femara 3-7 5mg
    gonal f 150 3-5
    with a mid cycle sono Sunday march 23 to see how they are cooking!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Tomorrow 3/23 will be first sono to see how the eggs are cooking! Please God be looking good and ready to pop!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Mid cycle sono shows 2 follies on the right 7mm :( and after much searching 1 on left 14mm. E2 was only at a 62. Gonal f 150 tonight and tomorrow second sono Tuesday @ 11:45.
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Second sono right ovary still had 2 small follies not even in the running. Left ovary was in hiding again had to do above sono to find one lead follie @ 20. I cancelled iui due to the poor response :( want at least 2-3 follies for the best chance for a BFP.
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Another cycle medicated iui with femara, gonal f. Ovaries were easily found usually the left side can't be seen. Feeling optimistic!
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Femara 3-7 Gonal f 225iu
    1st sono right side 3 @11mm can't find left ovary
    Gonal f 225 iu two more nights
    2nd sono Friday June 27 1 on left 19mm and 1 right @ 17mm
    Trigger Friday June 27 @ 9 p.m. and iui will be Sunday @ 9:00a.m.
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    smbc2besmbc2be Posts: 68
    edited November -1
    Cycle day 1 Feb 17
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