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ooelsworth's (Ellie's) train

ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
edited November -1 in Our Train of Hope
So I've decided to keep track of my journey here, for posterity.

This will probably be the only month I can afford to pay for two vials so, for this reason and for more obvious reasons, I hope I'm a "one and done" girl.

10/19-23/2013-lost thermometer on Friday and at sisters house all weekend, cm pretty wet and/or egg white.

10/24/2012-temp hasn't dropped, or risen yet, woke with ovulation cramps on right side, cm egg white. Tested with OPK's all day, nothing yet, but close. Tank arrived today!!

10/25/2012-temp still low, ovulation cramps continue (are actually worse). Got a :) at 10am. Wil continue to test, just cuz I can, cm seems to be drying up. Think I'll insem tonight. 6pm will be 8 hrs past, which seems good. Hopefully, my temp will be super low tomorrow morning so I'll know it's O day. If it's not I'll insem with the second vital after work tomorrow since it'll be 24 hrs after the first insem.
I've been Mom for 13 years to:
Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14


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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    1st insem at 5 ish. Tried to do the preseed first, but it didn't really wanna get in the syringe, so did my best. Defrosted the babies, sucked them up, layed down with bum in the air then aimed and went for it. I think I may have pushed them out too fast, but the syringe was tighter than I anticipated. I did have the big O after, then watched some "How I Met Your Mother" and "Big Bang Theory". Timing wise, it was 7 hrs after first smiley. As stated before, timing of the 2nd vial will be based on my temp tomorrow. Either first thing tomorrow (12 hrs after 1st) or 5-6pm tomorrow (24 ish hours after 1st). Eek.
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited October 2012
    Reading it, it makes no sense to do 2nd insem so close to the 1st. Maybe I'll come home early. *sigh* I don't know.
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    Okay, 2nd insem at 7 ish. Which comes out to 26 hrs after 1st, 33 hrs after smiley. I honestly have no feel how I did. Guess we'll see soon. I'll keep updating on my symptoms. Here we go with the next waiting game.

    FYI-I did have the big O, hips up, etc. Watched "Rock of Ages" Yay! So good. Normally Tom Cruise does nothing for me, but, Oh. My. God. So great. Being able to sing makes everyone more attractive as far as I'm concerned. Great songs too!
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    I was out and about all day yesterday with the girls, so didn't notice anything, although I'm sure that there wasn't anything to notice. This morning I woke early to take my temp then back to sleep. When I woke up for real, my throat was sore, kinda achy in my nether region and I now have a headache from hell. Not sure what that all means, again, probably nothing, but there it is.
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    I posted this on the ttc boards, but wanna keep all my info together, so...

    Okay, let me preface this with - Yes, I know I am, however this is what went on yesterday, 2dpi:
    Sore throat in AM
    Crampy "down there"
    Super thirsty
    Took a 2 hr nap, not highly unusual, but still

    Here's what's going on today, at 3dpi:
    Still thirsty, but water tastes funny
    Tried to eat some M&M's that a resident gave me, they also taste funny
    Sharp abdominal pains, when I sneezed, I felt like I was going to split in two
    Sense of smell is all wonky, our housekeeper has been mopping outside my office for a while now and, I kid you not, it smells like black licorice, which I normally love, but yuck

    As I stated above, I know it's crazy, but I can't help it, and I knew you guys would understand.
    Thanks guys.
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited October 2012
    4dpi update-
    Still thirsty, and all I want is water (after my morning coffee that is)
    Still cramping, just not as sharp
    Drooling like a teething baby
    Woke at 5am freezing, I was uncovered, so that may have been why. I also took my temp, it was 97.5 which is really low for me post ovulation, but it was also 1 1/2 hrs early. I took it again when I woke for real at 6:30. It was 98.1, which was perfectly normal, but without 3hrs of sleep first, so who knows which is right.
    Boobies aren't sore yet and my face isn't breaking out any more than it does on a regular mid cycle day and I'm hoping it continues. I know both are pregnancy signs but, they are my main signs of impending af, other than really loose BM's (sorry TMI). So all three can stay away!
    Starving, but when I eat, can't even finish half and it feels like I've gorged myself. Yuck.
    That's all I can think of right now, but the day is only half over. :)
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    Yesterday and today
    Still crampy/achy in my mid to lower abdomen
    Starving, stuffed, starving rotation continues
    Thirsty and water tastes so good
    Tired, yet can't sleep (although that could be just because I'm a night owl)
    Smell and taste still off

    Weird one, with some back story-
    I got a cat when I was 14, had her until I was 29, she was my cat, no doubt about it. Since then I've always had 2-4 cats in my house and not one of them has been "mine", they all love my girls though. Anyway, so tonight Finnegan, the most finicky cat in all the land, came into my room crying, purring and just basically begging for love. He rubbed himself all over whatever part of my body he could reach and kept trying to get me to pet him. Then he was done and left, in typical cat fashion. The odd thing is, he has come to me for loving less than 5 times in the 4-5 years we've had him. It was almost like he was trying to tell me something. Again I know it's weird, but I also know animals have a sixth sense, so we shall see, shan't we?
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    So AF arrived on the 9th of November :( . I won't be trying again until January because of the holidays. Fingers crossed.
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    Okay, keeping with the "all in one place" theme:
    Took soy isoflavones this cycle because, why not. I read it can make ovulation earlier, which may turn out to be true, based on today. Ordered baby stuff on Thursday, arrived Monday. Been testing with OPK's since Monday. According to FF my peak day is the 14th, however I got a + OPK's around 4 pm today. I'll be checking cm and cervical position and such, after going to the store tonight, so we'll see. I'm not good at temping when I know I'm not trying so I really don't have a baseline, but one month my temp rose 2 days after + then in Oct, when I inseminated, it rose the day after +. I'm gonna go by what I see and feel going on with my body this time. I only have 1 vital, so it has to really count.
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    After much examination, I am holding off. I don't look or feel ready so I'm waiting. Hopefully tomorrow, but we'll see. I'm trusting my body this time.
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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    ooelsworthooelsworth Posts: 72
    edited November -1
    So after much debating with myself, I went for it today (the 13th). At around 2pm I started getting really bad cramps. They faded around 5 and I thought I was in trouble, but nope, they came back with a vengeance. I also did a cervix check and all was looking good. I did my insem right at 6:30. Ugh, like I posted on the daily thread-if/when this works, I'll share my fiasco of an insem. Seriously it was the poster child for Murphys law. It'll be funny later. Not so much now. :/
    Now, I wait...
    I've been Mom for 13 years to:
    Amber-21, Mercedes-19 and Genevieve-14
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