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Art projects and supplies

A&JA&J Posts: 1,825
edited November -1 in Parenting and Life
With the weather change we are hanging inside a bit more, so it's art time. I bought some white canvases to do a little painting and even the supplies for some Eric Carle tissue paper art:-)

Do you guys have some recommendations for some fun art type projects for kids around 2 years of age?

Also our first canvas we attempted doing a handprint. I used tempera paints and it didn't turn out that great :( What kind(s) of paint do you all use?

Thanks for any ideas!

Oh and I wanted to add that while I always have fun doing art it's not my strong area. I just laugh thinking back to college when I took the required Art Education class-- the professor and I had many good-hearted laughs. It truly looked as if I was the kid making the art-- actually the kids tend to do better than me:-).


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    fischfisch Posts: 570 ✭✭
    edited November 2012
    In our 2 year old programs we focus on the process. So lots of sensory projects, and many of them don't have 'finished products'. Using things like rice, corn, shaving cream, cotton balls, sand...making "gak", play dough, or using the foam stuff to create sculptures, or just play.

    I did love my baby's turkey hand print that she made at her daycare though...adorable. Also, we set up the easel last weekend and Jack and Emerson just went to town with paint brushes and fingers...

    When jack was little we used to set up his baby pool in the kitchen and give him bowls and cups and filled the pool with dried rice and various beans...his all time favorite activity. We haven't tried this yet with Emerson because, well, she's messier and she put everything in her mouth still. For a 2 year old though, this is heaven.

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    mommylovemommylove Posts: 1,582
    edited November -1
    Painting and general art projects seem to be Sebastian's favorite activity at this time and probably for the last 3ish months. He asks to paint daily and we keep our growing cabinet of art supplies stocked at all times. I consider myself rather crafty and artsy so I really enjoy doing this sort of thing with him. Char on the other hand has never considered herself very artistic so it doesn't come as easily to her, however in recent days as winter weather is upon us and their outdoor activity is slightly more limited (though we still play outdoors in almost any weather) she has begun to warm to the idea of doing art projects with him...and ofcourse he LOVES that time with her, which I think has helped her see the fun in it!

    Anyway, we have almost any kind of paint and what we use depends generally on how much energy I have to do the entire project with him rather than let him go crazy on his own with minimal supervision, and thus how much clean up I want to deal with. We keep two large drop sheets handy with the art stuff so we just spread those out in whatever room we are working in to eliminate much of any mess anywhere that we don't want it. We use anything from cheap canvas, large paper scrolls, empty toilet paper rolls, paper plates, empty wine bottles (no joke and how fun to have those displayed in the house with pretty flowers in them), colored craft paper, newspaper, coloring books, etc. to draw/paint on. You don't have to spend money to make it fun!

    One of our other favorites is painting rocks...we wander around the neighborhood collecting them (a fun activity in itself) then bring them home, wash them, and paint them. We have them all over our garden and in our indoor plant pots as decoration. :-) Recently we did the same with leaves and pinecones we found on our walks...we glued them down to a big piece of posterboard and painted them.

    We also spend time working with bees wax recently...something easily purchased at a crafts store or online. We picked it up through our Waldorf class as they use it to enhance kids hand strength for writing (later down the road). Honestly, I find a lot of projects online through kidding, TONS! We made our own chalk, we make our own christmas ornaments (simple baking soda recipe) and then paint/decorate those, we've strung beaded necklaces together (think large wooden beads and yarn), we've created felt storyboards, we made our own Advents Calendar. I bought a bunch of fabric scraps at Joann's recently and we got some fabric paint to decorate them and made a ton of capes for Seb to wear that he keeps in his costume bin that we have. Speaking of which, sometimes I just go to a crafty store like Joann's or Michael's and get a million new ideas of projects by walking through the store. For instance, Seb really LOVES stickers right now too, so I bought a bunch and let him stick them all over a posterboard that also had pictures of some of his favorite people and animals (think scrapbook style) which now hangs in his room...that was a fun and independent activity for him that entertained him for a good hour.

    Anyway, just let yourself go crazy and O too...sometimes there is also absolutely nothing structured about our painting or art time. I enjoy just sitting there letting Seb go nuts with a million different brushes and watercolor or finger paints as I sit back and ask him all about what it is he is painting. :-)

    If you google toddler art projects there are also a dozen websites and books available...but again, it doesn't have to be structured to be fun for O!
    October 2014


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    starfish2318starfish2318 Posts: 243
    edited November -1
    Wow Mommylove, I totally feel like an arts and crafts slacker now!
    Olivia loves finger painting, and we did a cute craft on pinterest where you dot fingerpaint all over a pice of paper you cut to look like a tree, and stick the "tree top" in a toilet paper roll...super cute. Both kids love the chalkboard, and just writing with crayons and/or pens on blank paper. It's time for us to start some new craft projects, too. I love the idea of painting rocks.
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    A&JA&J Posts: 1,825
    edited November -1
    Great ideas ladies. We do a lot of art around here and I absolutely love just getting stuff out and letting Olivia go wild! It's a lot of fun for me to join in as well. It is great being able to grab and use stuff from all throughout the house, yard, whatever and making it your art. We definitely see and experience the beauty and simplicity of sticking to the basics.

    With the holidays approaching I have been looking into different projects and needing inspiration for some handmade gifts. So, I turned to you crafty parents:). I should have been more specifc on what I was looking for, but am glad I wasn't because I got some great ideas to expand upon things we are already doing at home. @ Fisch--- love the idea of of using the kiddie pool inside to explore in! Rice has always been a hit around here. Nina, I am going to look into some fabric paints, this is something we have yet to do. Starfish-- that sounds cute! We did something similar where we made a handprint fish, then used fingerprints as the bubbles. It was pretty cute too! Babybaby, Seren is a little artist, so I bet the stock coloring sheets tick her off!
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    annerbonesannerbones Posts: 1,812
    edited November -1
    When Maggie was 18 months I got her a canvas and let her use finger paints (Crayola) on it. It is one of my favorite paintings - it came out so much like her. We also shop at this store called ScrapPdx, where we purchase used or extra random things that are saved from going to the landfill. That has been a huge spring board for MAggie creativity - allowing her to pick out the tings she wants to use and then giving her support and tools to do it. They have a bunch of 4*4 canvasses - maggie painted them and stuck buttons on them, then I glued them together. Turned out to be a cute collage.

    We also use a lot of non-washable paint - just don't use it near carpet. Maggie loves to color, paint, glue.

    I get a lot of ideas for Maggie and my preschool class on
    Progesterone therapy and baby aspirin daily

    Two miscarriages in between (August 2012 - same donor as Maggie, and December 2014 with husband)
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    coryandamandacoryandamanda Posts: 1,527
    edited November -1
    If you are looking to make a gift for someone we got those stepping stones from Michael's. We put either a handprint or footprint in them with the date and their name or initials. We also wrote something like #1 Pops/Grammy on them and they come with stones, etc to decorate them with. The grandparents love them and they have them in the front by their porch. Super cute and pretty easy.
    I like to give stuff that is actually useful. Another idea is let her decorate a picture frame and put a pic of her in it as a gift. Refrigerator magnet, pot for a plant, Christmas ornament...
    July 4, 2015
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