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Last Day as a 4-year-old

fischfisch Posts: 570 ✭✭
edited November -1 in Parenting and Life
Jack turns 5 tomorrow and this birthday seems like a HUGE deal to all of us. So many changes in him in just the last few months. Bye Bye temper trantrums, hello sense of humor (especially potty humor). Bye Bye easy going, sign up for anything attitude, hello opinions (i.e. I hate baseball, sign me up for music!). Bye Bye scaredy cat, hello big kid rides and spooky books. Hello monkey bars at school, deeper friendships, and "icky girl things". It goes on and on and seeing the drastic changes in his maturity have us all excited for the things that are coming our way.

February is the best time of year to have a baby - we've got time to hone those Pre-Kindergarten skills and he is capable and very interested in learning to read and write, and reason.

Here in California our Kindergarten start date is gradually moving up, this year the cutoff is October 1st, and next year it will be September 1st.

Our daughter is a June baby, so she will be younger in her class then Jack, but being around a preschooler has made her far more advanced physically and socially (but behind verbally for probably the same reason) then other kids her age and I am not as worried about her readiness.

No real controversy here, just wanting to share how much I enjoyed the 4 year old road and am looking forward to what 5 brings us!



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    graceinflgraceinfl Posts: 1,743
    edited November -1
    Happy 5th Birthday Jack! I love seeing the monumental changes that occur over a few short months in little ones.
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    KatydidKatydid Posts: 515 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    There is no turning back once they go to school...they bring home the good and the bad.
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    A&JA&J Posts: 1,825
    edited November -1
    This all sounds awesome! Happy 5 years to your Jack. It sounds like there is so much fun happening now and waiting ahead.
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