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For Those That Vomitted and MoMs

aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
OK, so I come from a family of nausea-migraine morning sickness, not vomit morning sickness. I was kinda thinking I'd be just like the rest of them. However, that does not seem to be the case here. (My sister blames the fact that there are two of them. Likely a leading culprit.)

Here's my question: each and every morning I vomit. I've learned not to eat -- it does not help in the least and then I was losing those mg of protein. So I drink some water. It's much more pleasant . . . Going too far, aren't I? Since 8 weeks or so this has been a once daily occurrence with a few exceptions. One evening after not eating enough that afternoon I threw up as soon as I had eaten half my dinner - so that made twice that day. Then this morning, for no reason that I can discern, I threw up twice. I know this is certainly not as bad as many people have it, so don't think I have some horrible bout of hypermesis -- I know I don't. It's really, in some ways, quite manageable. But also, quite miserable. Right. I said there was a question. So I had two days in a row during week 10 that I made it without vomiting (and no, can't see a reason or something I did that made that possible) and then I had two days at the end of 11 weeks that also were non-vomit days.

SO - if you were a regular vomit-er, was there like a pattern where the vomit slowly disappeared and one day you woke up never to vomit again? And when did it finally end for you?

And if you still vomit three years after having your kid(s). Feel free to keep those comments to yourself. (I don't want the truth. I want lovely lies.) I'm fairly certain when you Google "when does morning sickness end with twins" the top and only answer is: when they turn 35 and have twins of their own. Otherwise, never.

Thanks in advance!
Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger


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    melmel Posts: 793
    edited November -1
    I was nauseated but rarely vomited (had to be really careful when brushing my teeth though, ugh), and I had triplets. The last time I vomited was week 21. I remember feeling TOTALLY cheated when I hit 13 weeks and the nausea didn't go away like I read it does for so many! The nausea did get better over time, though.
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    yfnryfnr Posts: 418
    edited November -1
    I had hyperemesis gravidarum so my experience is probably not too helpful to you. Most people, multiples or not, start to feel better around 12-16 weeks so maybe you'll get some relief soon. There is nothing more miserable than nausea and vomiting.
    Mommy to Twins plus One - donor 733
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    TheMysticalOneTheMysticalOne Posts: 850 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I started feeling queasy around 6 weeks, but didn't start throwing up until 9 weeks. I stopped throwing up because I was put on prescription Zofran. I highly recommend it. It may not stop your queasiness completely, but it should at least help with the throwing up part. Morning sickness finally ended around 15 weeks completely. I had the opposite of morning sickness. I had the dreaded night sickness! Between 8 - 11 every night I felt REALLY sick! Didn't eat anything at night and only drank water out of a straw during that time. Suck on some peppermints! It helped me! Hope you feel better! Although it sucks, it is a really good symptom of a healthy pregnancy!
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Ha, Mystical I am like the exact opposite with the mornings being absolutely worse.

    On one of the other threads someone said cinnamon gum - that has been an absolute god send! I can't do peppermints usually, but can handle them better since pregnant, which is weird.

    Thanks, Mel and Yfnr. I know I definitely don't have anything horrible or anything like hg at all. Thanks for the encouragement it may end soon!! Or Peter off at least.
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    summerfunsummerfun Posts: 511
    edited November -1
    I had hg and second the zofran recommendation if you need it. My sickness slowly tapered off but never completely went away and could sneak up unannounced after a few weeks off.

    Good luck, hope it gets better!
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    CRWHNW0909CRWHNW0909 Posts: 599 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think I was fairly lucky because I had only two instances where I felt I was hung over. I was sensitive to smells as most pregnant women are but even my doctor was surprised. My third trimester though, I had hella heartburn. So much so, I'd wake up choking on my own vomit. Sorry for the tmi.
    04/11/2011=BFN 06/08/2011=BFN 07/05/2011=BFN 11/25/2011=BFP!!
    Beta 1: 2,489 Beta 2: 5,603 TWINS!!
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    tc0104tc0104 Posts: 579 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My ms was worse with my daughter than with the twins. The zofran also worked better and quicker with the twins than with Laney. I could pop a zofran in the morning with the twins and felt like a new woman, whereas with Laney the ms lingered all day but lessened significantly. I still can't eat eggs bc of Laney. And yeah Mel the tooth rushing was horrible in both pregnancies!! I would say in both singleton and twins mine was gone by 14 wks but returned to some degree without vomiting when I was near the end.
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Ah, Jdiana! :)

    I haven't lost any weight and, excluding yesterday, it really is confined to the morning mostly and then I can eat. I'm glad, with the exception of Ynfr, that the MoMs seem to have survived the great ms.

    We shall see what happens over the next few weeks! Thanks all!
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    I only had one ever at a time, but am blessed with horrible MS. I'm 17 weeks today and I'm still queasy every evening, but haven't thrown up for a week or so now (with the exception of yesterday, when I had a daycare kid paint himself with his own poop, cleaning that up sent me over the edge). With Moosie I was sick through the whole pregnancy, with Tiny I was done with the actual vomiting part by about week 16, and so far that seems to be the case with Jose as well. I tend to taper off, going from throwing up 10-12 times a day, down to only once or twice, to finally nothing, or only feeling like I am going to.

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Oh, Goobie! The things children do. :)

    I know I have little to complain about in the grand scheme of morning sickness, but it does make me feel better to hear that you have some relief by 16 weeks. I can handle some more weeks. I'll put my big girl panties on and deal with it.
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    I swear nausea and vomiting are the worst feelings ever, and you have every right to complain, even if you are only mildly queasy. Its not a nice sensation! What's great about here is you'll have a whole bunch of us who totally understand, and will be quite happy to let you whine! Hope it passes for you soon :)

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Thanks, Goobie and everyone!
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    em'smomsem'smoms Posts: 1,439
    edited November -1
    I threw up almost every morning for about 4 months with each of my pregnancies. WIth my first, I HAD to eat before getting out of bed or would vomit for sure, if I ate 2 or 3 fig newtons (I know weird but saltines weren't substantial enough), I stood a chance. I had to slowly eat the fig newtons while I laid in bed without moving, then I would wait like 5 minutes before getting up, slowly! With Alayna nothing seemed to help, I ended up on zofran cause I threw up often during the day and was constantly nauseated.
    With dd1, it was sometime in the 3rd trimester that I stopped vomitting (had slowed down significantly), with Alayna after about 16 wks I rarely was nauseated.
    So sounds like everything is going the right way for you! Hopefully it will resolve sometime in the next few weeks!
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Thanks baby baby! I'm glad even your horror or morning sickness started improving!! Have you still remained pretty ms-free this pregnancy?!
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    babybabybabybaby Posts: 1,564
    edited November -1
    by the way, i was only saying i didn't want to rehash it for others' sake, not because i'm tired of talking about it. i hope i didn't come off as snippy. i just feel like i've told the story so many times, people are probably sick of hearing it. lol
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Sick of morning sickness stories?! Never! I'm glad you rehashed, because I didn't realize you had started to improve by about four months. That's a huge beacon of hope - if you improved with hg, then I will too with my piddly once a day vomiting! ;)
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    tellytelly Posts: 625
    edited November -1
    It stopped when I stopped taking my prenatals. But I still always threw up if I was really hungry and didn't eat anything. When I was taking prenatals I threw up everything plus water. If you want to I know the doctor can prescribe you meds to slow it down or even stop it. Me and my ob just agreed on me eating right too replace the vitamins for me. Because baby will get his reguardless. But they do have meds you can take to ease it.

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    Jen727BFJen727BF Posts: 2,304
    edited November -1
    Apulsa feeling any better? And you have every right to complain about ms!
    TTC No. 2 since Aug. 2014; IVF #1 - Cxld; IVF #2 - BFN
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    Ha! Thanks, Jen. Not improved ... Yet. But, we're still hopeful that one day soon .... ;)
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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