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A year ago today (7-18-12) I had my IUI - Pictures!

GaBeekeeperGaBeekeeper Posts: 916
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
I am finally able to get online when Ayla sleeps and do some computer time. Lately I have just been on my phone.
I thought today was a good day to get online and finally give an update with pictures. One year ago today I was in Atlanta having the IUI. It was my last shot at getting pregnant. At 41 and having had the loss of twin boys at 21 weeks, I had promised my wife that I would try just two more times and quit. The first try was June 19, 2012- exactly one year that we lost Lucas and Logan. That was a BFN so I had one shot left, July 18, 2012 and that was a wonderful glorious BFP on July 30, 2012 at 12 dpo!!!!
So here I am with a beautiful 3 month old baby girl. She is the absolute joy of our life. And yes, we are the goofy parents who can do nothing but talk about her and coo and baby talk all day long!! She is the happiest baby and gives the biggest smiles. She is also very nosey and likes to look around at everything. She "talks" all the time. She started to roll over in the last week and scoots around on her blanket. She was born with a full head of black hair, but is losing it and has only a good bit left in the back. Her eyes are sparkling blue and I think they may stay that way.
She was 7 pounds 4 oz and 21.5 inches when she was born. At her 2 months appt the first of June she weighed 11.4 pounds and was 23.5 inches. And now at 3 months old she weighed 14.4 pounds last week on the home scales.
We finally got the hang of breast feeding without the nipple shield. I still get paranoid and will offer a bottle of formula when we are home and most of the time she doesn't need it. I pump and usually have Breast milk to take when we go to town.
She usually goes to sleep between 10-11pm at night and will sleep all the way through to 7pm, wakes up for diaper change and nurses and then will go back to sleep for 3 hrs. and then when she wakes she might be up for the day or take a cat nap for an hour. She will sometime only cat nap the rest of the day (45 min at a time) and will not sleep in her pack n play but will at night.
Ok for the pictures I will go back to pics from the hospital to recent!
Sorry for the picture overload!!
If you are on FB and want to be my friend just go to and add me with a note that you are from NWAC if you want to see more pics :lol:

My two loves- Ayla and her Mama #2

Our Family - I had a pretty rough time with my C Section. This was about 6 hrs after she was born.69488_10151831051463332_381199619_n.jpg

Her head full of hair!482381_10151835435788332_1495832472_n.jpg

Her Pagan Welcome ceremony at our UU Church

3 months old, July 4, 2013993310_10152024552078332_114432612_n.jpg


  • Options
    jaime527jaime527 Posts: 157
    edited November -1
    Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing!
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    EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
    edited November -1
    I'm so glad that everyone is doing well! She's beautiful!
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    She is absolutely gorgeous!! Congratulations, mamas!!!!
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    Jccwill3Jccwill3 Posts: 687
    edited November -1
    Beautiful baby name and beautiful family!
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    earrefinnejearrefinnej Posts: 447
    edited November -1
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us.
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    babybabybabybaby Posts: 1,564
    edited November -1
    such a darling baby girl!
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    preciousgiftpreciousgift Posts: 2,191
    edited November -1
    Soo sweet. and, i totally remember you posting how were kind of frantic trying to decide if you should do a last insem that month, and now you have a beautiful little girl!
    ........................... :) Trying again soon :)..................................
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    bow1532bow1532 Posts: 185
    edited November -1
    Beautiful family. Congrats!
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    MareMare Posts: 193
    edited November -1
    She is beautiful!
    SMBC to a fun, outgoing, crazy big 7 year old boy
    August 2015: BFP!!!

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    2moms_somewhere2moms_somewhere Posts: 305
    edited November -1
    She is beautiful!! :) I am so happy for you both!
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    Jen727BFJen727BF Posts: 2,304
    edited November -1
    Good to hear an update from you! Your daughter is precious!
    TTC No. 2 since Aug. 2014; IVF #1 - Cxld; IVF #2 - BFN
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    summerfunsummerfun Posts: 511
    edited November -1
    Cute, sweet baby!
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    HopingForBFPHopingForBFP Posts: 520
    edited November -1
    She's adorable!! :)
    BFP- 8/9/09 at 10DPO, after 4 years TTC. Sydnee born on April 14th 2010. BFP #2 at 11DPO 9/29/12. Due 6/11/13
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    old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
    edited November -1
    Great ending...beautiful little girl
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