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more cute things your kids are saying

EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
edited January 2014 in Parenting and Life
I always love these threads, so let's start one now. I was inspired this morning when H was eating his breakfast, and Barney happened to be on Sprout in the living room singing his "I Love You" song. He couldn't see the tv but could hear it, and he got upset and started shaking his head back and forth and said, "No, I don't love you, Barney. I love Mommy and Mama!" It was adorable. He speaks very well but has a handful of quirks:

Gloves are "glubs".

Can't is always "cannot", for some reason; for example, when asked to stop opening his Christmas gifts at his grandparents' house, so someone else could have a turn, he exclaimed, "I cannot stop!"

Those are off the top of my head. I'll add more if they come up. Your turn!

ETA: Older kids (even teenagers) say cute things, too, so don't feel like you have to have a toddler or preschooler to participate! :)


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    ShannyShanny Posts: 2,456
    edited November -1
    Kate still calls the arboretum - ardaboretum. It is one of the last few words and one I've chosen not to correct.

    We have a jumping place called pump it up. Until recently she called it pump a dump. She is also working a lot on hospital (hostable) and because (pecause or pizz if she's taking really fast).

    But the cutest is that she think Alvin and the Chipmunks is Alvin M. Chipmunk! I had no idea she really knew what they were. She got an outfit for her birthday from a friend and exclaimed how excited she was and that she's wanted it for years and years because she loves Alvin M Chipmunk!!!
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    charcoaleyescharcoaleyes Posts: 864
    edited November -1
    My favorite right now is:



    airplane-port (he got a toy airport for Christmas)
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    FlowergirlFlowergirl Posts: 2,040
    edited November -1
    My absolute favorite right now is "GoCack Goooo!" (Go Pack Go!) because his favorite team is the Green Bay Packers of course!! He kinda runs the first two words together like that and then runs out the last goooo. Every time he spots their G symbol, he says "GO-CACK GOoooo!!" It was his first three word phrase and made his Daddy over the moon proud!! :cool:

    He's always disliked his car seat (it's getting better) but if he complains when I'm tightening down the straps, I always tell him "I'm sorry, my love, but Mama wants you to be safe, so they have to be tight." The other day my Dad stopped to pick him up for a couple hours and when my Dad tightened his car seat straps Ryder said "Tight!! Sorrrrryyyyy..." :)
    After 9 yrs & 1 devastating loss, we got our BFP at 9DPO ~ and welcomed our beautiful son on Halloween! Best treat ever!!

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    beyondobsessedbeyondobsessed Posts: 804
    edited November -1
    I think my favorite right now is "toyer", which means "color". His c's come out like t's, and his l's come out like y's. It's so cute. He'll bring me a whole handful of crayons and a coloring book and say "toyer, Mommy." He insists that we lay on our bellies on the floor, and he picks which crayon I'll be using, as well as the page we'll be working on. But it doesn't stay that way for long - he makes me switch crayons and turn the page every few seconds!

    One day, I was getting ready in my room, and he walked in and reached for my deodorant. I lifted his arms up one at a time and said "I'm gonna get your armpits! Armpits armpits!" while pretending to put the deodorant on him. He was giggling, then he wanted to copy me. He played with it for a couple minutes, then went on his way. A couple days later, he picked it up again, and started rubbing the container on his shoulder (?!) saying "ah-pit ah-pit!" This has continued every day since then...and I have to say it never gets old :)

    I'm sure I'll think of a million other things once I hit submit. He comes up with something funny every day!
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    EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
    edited November -1
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to start using "angrish" everyday. :)
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    charcoaleyescharcoaleyes Posts: 864
    edited November -1
    I remembered a couple other cute things. M reverses compound words.

    ie. Headfore and lightflash
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    MareMare Posts: 193
    edited November -1
    When my son Tayten (5.5) really, really loves something or is very happy he will say, "That makes my heart sing!" The week before winter break, Tayt's preschool teacher was on vacation. This past Monday when I got home from work he said, "Mommy! Ms. K is off her daycation!!!!" He then went on to say, "I saw her and it just made my heart sing! I loves her!" Such a sweet boy.
    SMBC to a fun, outgoing, crazy big 7 year old boy
    August 2015: BFP!!!

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    beyondobsessedbeyondobsessed Posts: 804
    edited November -1
    I remembered a couple more things my son says:

    He says "Want hold Mommy" with hims arms in the air when he wants me to hold him.

    He has a runny nose right now, and I have been saying "sorry buddy" when I have to wipe it b/c I know he hates it. Now, he has started throwing his head back to avoid the tissue while yelling "sowwy Mommy!" It breaks my heart, but is funny at the same time!
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    EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
    edited November -1
    I'm laughing so hard right now. Seren is hilarious!
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    K&HK&H Posts: 3,368 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Instead of saying Happy New Year, E says "Happy Junior!"
    No clue what she thinks it means.
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    coryandamandacoryandamanda Posts: 1,527
    edited November -1
    I could write a book with this subject.
    In the past 24 hours H completely randomly announced at dinner that her toots sound like a violin and A came over and tasted a piece of steak I had just taken off the grill and told me "It's yummy, but a bit of garlic salt would do it some good."

    M doesn't talk much yet but he cracks me up and I can't imagine when he does find his words. One of my favs lately is when he goes on the potty all by himself he gets dried mango, apricot or craisins as a reward because he LOVES fruit. He comes running to the kitchen after he goes and shakes his booty singing mango, mango, mango. He is a trip.
    July 4, 2015
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    mausandlodiemausandlodie Posts: 312 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My favorite Henry-ism is "stuffin" instead of "something," ie "I want stuffin else." (He says this every day at dinner time - unfortunate, but adorable). He also says "actually" a lot - "oh, so that's what her kitchen looks like actually?" If he asks me a question and gets an answer he isn't expecting, he will repeat my answer in a tone of great surprise: "oh, so it DOES hurt to get a tattoo?" "Oh, so it DOES hurt the fish if you catch one?" Etc.

    Maeve isn't saying much yet, but she can melt me into a puddle by looking at me and saying, "momomom." Love!
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    blkbrd3blkbrd3 Posts: 1,221 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    These stories are seriously funny.
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    ZenZen Posts: 2,942
    edited November -1
    At 5, baby talk is coming to an end but content is replacing it for humor. S still says straw-ber-arry for strawberry. We were running late to an event the other day and her brother was trying to help her out of her car seat. After releasing the clasps, he told her to hurry up and get out. She wanted to finish putting her leap-pad in its case and said, "you are really frustrating me today!"

    It's so odd hearing adult sentiments coming from my baby!
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    KTZKTZ Posts: 1,240
    edited November -1
    I don't comment often but I love this thread:)

    My favorite right now is when G talks about singing the "abc's", she calls them the "BRBC's" . She can sing them correctly but just made her own title to the song.
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    ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum Posts: 1,205 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    G is still babbling with a smattering if words but his latest is "yucky poopoo" when he wants his diaper changed, and if ANY sports are on he randomly yells "go go go" at the TV.

    A coworker is potty training and had a BM on the potty and told her mom her poopoo had "bad breath" haha!
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    mausandlodiemausandlodie Posts: 312 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Can't believe I forgot this one. Henry is a fan if Poe's "the Raven," and we live near Baltimore. Whenever he sees someone in a Ravens jersey he yells, "nevermore!" Hysterical and definitely adds some spice to our weekend grocery trip!
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    babybabybabybaby Posts: 1,564
    edited November -1
    Henry is a fan if Poe's "the Raven,"

    how cool is henry?! sorry, but that is just pretty cool for a kiddo.
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    EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
    edited November -1
    For real, Henry just inspired these two English teachers to try reading some new things to our toddler! Awesome! :)
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    KatydidKatydid Posts: 515 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Both of my boys say besept instead of except.
    Kaye calls all poop, "poop balls" and she calls my dad "Haha" instead of grandpa. She will also hunch over and hold her back if you ask her to walk like grandpa.
    My personal favorite for immature reasons I guess...Both of my girls stop what they are doing to push a fart out and then they crack up. (This is what they learned from their bros).
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    babybabybabybaby Posts: 1,564
    edited November -1
    EMG_REL wrote:
    For real, Henry just inspired these two English teachers to try reading some new things to our toddler! Awesome! :)

    that's exactly what i was thinking!
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    TheOtherLovingMomsTheOtherLovingMoms Posts: 1,481 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My 4 yo granddaughter says mitchmatched instead of mismatched. My son used to start his stories with once uponce a time instead of once upon a time. My 8 year old granddaughter tells us it is precipitating outside if it is raining or snowing outside.
    I just turned 50 and fabulous!!! Enjoying life with my amazing family!!
    Mom to Rachel 33, Bethany 30, Rebekah 30, Zachrey 20 and several angel babies
    Grandma to Larissa 11, Brittney 11, Trevor 11, Destiny 7, Jayvin 6, Jackxon 3, Kaleb Joshua Rian 1. Grandbaby #8, Sariah Grace born 11-17-16
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    EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
    edited November -1
    A guy came to our house to measure for our new carpet (flooded basement caused by "polar vortex"), and H followed him downstairs and said, "There's moisture down here. I think we need to turn the dehumidifier on." The guy thought he was hilarious and called him a walking dictionary. I swear he'll talk to anyone.

    Also, he would eat snacks all day if we let him, and when he gets cut off because he's had too much or needs to save room for a meal, he'll say really fast and in one breath, "I need a little tiny snack. It's really yummy in my tummy!"
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    babybabybabybaby Posts: 1,564
    edited November -1
    his vocabulary is amazing for a 2-year-old!
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    EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
    edited November -1
    Yeah, he definitely has verbal skills, but I'm already tired of arguing with him about things he wants to do/eat/touch. I can't even imagine how it will be when he's a teenager! Anyway, if the kid could potty train, that would be great...
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    EMG_RELEMG_REL Posts: 2,379
    edited November -1
    I have to resurrect this thread to share the funniest thing H said this morning. I was peeing, and he was in the bathroom with me and said, "Do you have a penis or a vagina, Mom?" (We've talked about this a hundred times at this point because he's fascinated by our differing body parts.) I said, "I have a vagina, honey." He got really serious and sweet and said, "You'd look beautiful with a penis." I kept a straight face and said, "Thank you, sweetie. I appreciate that." When he walked away, I laughed until I cried.
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    ShannyShanny Posts: 2,456
    edited November -1
    ^that is awesome!
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    babybabybabybaby Posts: 1,564
    edited November -1
    i don't know if i could have waited until he walked away. i would have burst out laughing. lol!
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    ZenZen Posts: 2,942
    edited November -1
    That's just precious! I love the way kids think!
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    scifimomscifimom Posts: 1,173
    edited November -1
    EMG that is way to cute! And what a sincere and thoughtful complement! Awwww lol!
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