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2dpi - Who was I kidding!?!

MomToBe85MomToBe85 Posts: 60
edited May 2014 in Trying to Conceive
I am currently 2dpi and cannot stop doing TTC research. I told myself for about two weeks leading up to our first iui that I wouldn't be overly concerned or worried after the iui and I would just wait until af came/didn't come to test. Who was I kidding!?! I am counting the days down until my first hpt on 9dpi! LOL! :lol: I was so worried about the timing that I researched for almost the entire day yesterday and came to the conclusion that I think we got the timing right (+OPK at 12pm Friday - ovulation cramps at 2pm Friday - inseminated at 2am and 2pm on Saturday - had temp rise Sunday morning). I know our chances are slim being our first TTC/IUI but please send lots of baby dust our way! :D:):D:):D


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    2mommies70782mommies7078 Posts: 74
    edited November -1
    Baby dust to you both! :) ! I'm 9dpo today and getting very impatient to test lol, so I know the feeling! Hopefully we both get our BFP and soon. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    39 TTC baby # 1 for 4 years. Starting IVF in January.
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    ana8284ana8284 Posts: 628
    edited November -1
    I would love to tell you that you get less crazy as the time goes on but unfortuately the craziness just decreases in tiny increments, the wondering "what if?"never stops! Hopefully this will be it and you won't have to worry about it again but I'm getting ready to do my 7th IUI and I still get crazy every time. The only thing I can recommend is to stop Googling! I know that is much easier said than done but symptom spotting really gets you nowhere. I can't tell you how many times going through this I have been utterly convinced just to get a let down. I got the Circle + Bloom IUI/IVF Meditation CDs and I do acupunture and that has seemed to help calm my nerves some, but boy is this a stressful process! Baby Dust to you and best wishes! And one more thing.....STOP GOOGLING! :)

    IUI #1- 07/12-BFN, IUI #2 08/12-BFN, ICI at home 10/12- BFN, Back to Back IUI #3 08/13-BFN, IUI #4 09/13-BFN, IUI #5 03/14- BFN, IUI #6 05/14- BFN, IUI #7 06/14-BFN
    KD-10/14-BFN KD-12/14-BFN IUI #8 3/15 BFN, IUI #9 4/15 BFN, IUI #10 6/17 BFN
    Potential Adoptive Parents- Baby Due November 2017!
    IUI #8 04/15- BFN
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    MomToBe85MomToBe85 Posts: 60
    edited November -1
    Thank you ladies! Google has been my friend throughout this entire process and now she is turning on me. She's making me worried, confused, stressed, etc and I know those are the last emotions I should be experiencing during this TWW. I'm going to stay off of Google and just continue to listen to my baby meditation. I think I'll be ok for the remaining 8-12dpi. Baby dust to you ladies too!!
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    SC2ttcSC2ttc Posts: 32
    edited November -1
    Well if it makes you feel any better, we just got a BFP after our very first try. Not only that it was after the first period I had in 5 months And I ovulated a week late. We used 3 vials. I got a negative test at 9 DPI but I got a positive at 12 DPI. So even if you get a negative your first test don't get discouraged. And I also went crazy with research during the tww. Now I'm going crazy with pregnancy research. Its a whole different kind of insanity. Good luck!
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    MomToBe85MomToBe85 Posts: 60
    edited November -1
    Thank you so much for the encouragement! This makes me feel much better. Did you happen to have any symptoms during TWW?
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    SC2ttcSC2ttc Posts: 32
    edited November -1
    Only symptoms that I had were sore boobs. And some very very mild cramping, mild to the point I thought maybe u was imagining it, the day we got the BFP. Sore boobs are still the only symptom. They have also gotten a little bigger too. But other than that I actually feel better health wise than I did before I got pregnant, it's strange.
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    SpermShopperSpermShopper Posts: 33
    edited November -1
    I’m 4 dpi and I’m joining you in the countdown. I was also concerned about my timing and researched online for several hours. I thought I would be more relaxed this cycle but that has proven to be more difficult than I thought. I got a very positive opk at 12:30 p.m on Mother’s Day and inseminated the same day, 3 hrs later. I had pain on my right side at 10:30 a.m. that day. At 9:30 p.m, I had cramps towards the middle and pain on the right side again along with tender sensitive nipples that lasted for a few hours. After setting up everything and right before inseminating, we had a power outage in my area for 3hrs. I’m hoping that along with the fact that it was Mother’s Day are great signs :lol:; it could be an interesting story to tell. Sending lots of baby dust your way :)!
    TTC#1-April 2014 BFN
    TTC#2-May 2014 BFN
    TTC#3-March 2015 BFN
    TTC#4-Sept 2015 BFN
    TTC#5-March 2017 ???
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    MomToBe85MomToBe85 Posts: 60
    edited May 2014
    Wow, what an experience! I'm crossing my fingers for ya!!

    I said I would stop researching but there's no way. lol. I had an extremely sharp pain in my uterus today at work and I'm currently 6dpi. So I've been all over google to see if these are implantation symptoms. Ahhh, come on days 8-10.
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