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Natural lh surge right before ovidrel trigger?

mrsandmrsduvallmrsandmrsduvall Posts: 198
edited June 2014 in Trying to Conceive
Hi all!

So we went in yesterday and DW's dominant follicle was still on 18mm. Later the RE called and said to do the trigger shot last night at 9pm and to schedule IUI for Thursday am. Well I called to schedule and the earliest they had was Thurs at 11am. So last night we decided no to trigger until 10pm. Well right before the shot, DW had to pee, so I suggested she take another opk. Wouldn't you know the d#mn thing came back positive/smiley.

We scrambled to find info online and decided to take the test anyways.

My question to the board is has this happened to you? What did your RE say? Did you move you IUI up?

Also, DW temped and she had a drop this morning, but her chart has been a little crazy. And we are on no other meds for this cycle.

Jess 29, Tiff 30 (carrying)
Started TTC in 2014
IVF, July 2016, Flare Protocol, retrieval on 7/17 (freeze all), 14 out of 17 mature, all 14 fertilized!
FET on 9/22, 1 5-day blast transferred, BFP! 1st U/S on 10/24! Expected due date is June 10, 2017!


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    mrsandmrsduvallmrsandmrsduvall Posts: 198
    edited November -1
    Well, just got off the phone with the RE office. They want us to come in this afternoon.

    We are figuring her natural Lh surge was between 6:00p and 9:30p last night (she did an opk at 5:30ish and it was negative). Right before we tested at 9:30 she said she felt a cramp on the side of her dominant follicle and the opk came up positive. We went ahead with the shot anyways. We are going in today at 2:30pm.

    I asked if it is an issue that 2:30p is not even 24 hours after the surge, and they said no. It just needed to be this afternoon. So we are looking at IUI occurring between 16.5 hours and 20.5 hours post surge. Does that sound right?

    I know the RE is paid the big bucks to know what to do, but it is hard not to second guess it.

    We only do one vial at a time, because we cannot afford to do more and it not work out.
    Jess 29, Tiff 30 (carrying)
    Started TTC in 2014
    IVF, July 2016, Flare Protocol, retrieval on 7/17 (freeze all), 14 out of 17 mature, all 14 fertilized!
    FET on 9/22, 1 5-day blast transferred, BFP! 1st U/S on 10/24! Expected due date is June 10, 2017!
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    I think that's the best course of action. The Ovidrel may speed up your natural ovulation, so I'd want to get in early. Then I would expect you'd ovulate shortly thereafter. Even if you did ovulate at the 36 hour mark, I feel you'd have a shot.

    Best of luck!
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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    ShannyShanny Posts: 2,456
    edited November -1
    ^agreed. I never triggered but did 2 iui at 4 and 24 hours past OPK. I just always felt a little earlier was much better than a little later. Good luck!
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    mrsandmrsduvallmrsandmrsduvall Posts: 198
    edited June 2014
    Thank you all for your advice!

    I am hopeful with this cycle.

    The on call RE said everything looked great, that we seemed to be right in the window and he felt confident we had a higher pregnancy probability. With DW's 18mm follicle on Tuesday, the natural surge, the timing of the IUI, along with what he described as 'perfect' CM, hopefully this will be our BFP.

    I am far more optimistic this time around than our first try last month. The stars seemed to have aligned to give a good shot of a BFP this time. Now it is in nature's hands.

    Thanks again!

    On a side note, the RE office scared the heck out of us before the procedure. The vial they thawed came back poor quality and told us we had no other vials in storage, but we did. I started freaking out that they lost our vial. It had been delivered on Monday and I had the UPS delivery notification. They had to go 'find' it I guess. That was a mild panic attack.

    They did end up locating it and we double up on vials to get a great count between the two of them.
    Jess 29, Tiff 30 (carrying)
    Started TTC in 2014
    IVF, July 2016, Flare Protocol, retrieval on 7/17 (freeze all), 14 out of 17 mature, all 14 fertilized!
    FET on 9/22, 1 5-day blast transferred, BFP! 1st U/S on 10/24! Expected due date is June 10, 2017!
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    aplusaaplusa Posts: 1,919
    edited November -1
    I've had the RE tell me they didn't have a vial.... Oh wait, yeah we do. :/

    Womp womp.
    Lucky Cycle 14: IVF!! Antagonist Cycle with Lupron Trigger
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