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How do you deal with hitting?

KariKari Posts: 1,765
edited November -1 in Parenting and Life
Juliet is about 2.5 and is moderately speech delayed. When she gets frustrated, instead of trying to talk, she hits. Lately she's discovered she gets a more interesting reaction if she hits with something in her hand, like a plastic or wooden toy. Poor Justin is enduring the brunt of her frustration, usually to the side of his head. Any suggestions for curtailing this behavior ASAP that worked for you? So far time-outs, talking to her, taking away the toy, and making her apologize and get her brother an ice pack have little to no effect on it happening again.


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    melmel Posts: 793
    edited November -1
    Ouch, poor Justin! She's 2.5 though so I'm afraid this is one of those things that you just have to keep repeating until she grows out of the stage. Mine didn't really hit much but I dealt with biting for years. When they made speech advances, it did get better. You could get "Hands Are Not For Hitting" or similar books, just so the rule is repeated a lot. Otherwise there will just be a lot of removing her from the situation with "we do not hit" or "I will not let you hit" or whatever you say, and doing all you can to prevent it. It's so hard.
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    ShannyShanny Posts: 2,456
    edited November -1
    Yup. I remember going from hitting to hitting with objects. Not fun. I did get to the point - 3 kids later where I got better at predicting it and removing the item/threat. But I agree with Mel, it's just repetition and getting past the phase. It's one if those things most people don't deal with the first time around because they don't have another child to abuse!
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