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Home IUI/ICI Timing help
Posts: 185 ✭
My partner and I are going to get our 2nd iui done with my RE 24 hours after my flashing smiley is a solid (+opk). We also have a vial that has been shipped to the house. My BIG QUESTION is what time should we do the at home iui at home? I keep reading 12/24/36 hours is best. I'm doing it at 24 hours past with the RE but we're unsure for the timing of the home iui. Any advice/thoughts/experiences are welcomed!
Ms. Magnolia
HSG- June '14
#1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
#2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
Baby BOY was born April '15
HSG- June '14
#1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
#2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
Baby BOY was born April '15
I had no rhyme or reason, really, for doing the ICI in that time frame. Honestly, I just wanted to get it done so I could get some sleep! I'm sure some of the others on here can give you some REAL advice .
I think we'll do it more towards 36 so that Nichole can watch the process again- I think she's kind of nervous-which is kind of adorable
I'm a little nervous that I've not seen that solid smiley yet bc the past two months it has turned up on cd13 but I'm at cd14 now with only flashing since cd11---that's 4 days of flashing!!
Thanks again for sharing!
HSG- June '14
#1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
#2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
Baby BOY was born April '15
2nd daughter born 3/8/2016 (bfp after 7 attempts at home ICI, 2 miscarriages, 1 D&C)
age 36
age 39
EDD 12/13/2013
It's identical TWINS! They're GIRLS!
7/20/2013 Sweet Baby A lost her battle with IUGR.
8/26/2013 Feisty Baby B was born via emergency CSection 16 weeks premature
Do I count the hours from when I tested at 9:30 am or do I start the hours by sunrise? We have our iui tomorrow morning at 9:30 so I'm assuming that's 24 hrs... At this point I think we're doing the home iui/ici at 36. Fingers crossed!!!
I truly appreciate the replies. Thanks all!!
HSG- June '14
#1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
#2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
Baby BOY was born April '15
HSG- June '14
#1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
#2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
Baby BOY was born April '15
Thanks and congrats on your pregnancy!!!
TTC #1
Good luck!
In the future we'll need to have one vial shipped to the doc and one to the house. Good to know!
TTC #1
Lucky #10 - IVF!
Two sweet baby girls (IVF 2015, FET 2017)
HSG- June '14
#1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
#2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
Baby BOY was born April '15