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Home IUI/ICI Timing help

Magnolia323Magnolia323 Posts: 185
edited November -1 in At-Home Insemination
My partner and I are going to get our 2nd iui done with my RE 24 hours after my flashing smiley is a solid (+opk). We also have a vial that has been shipped to the house. My BIG QUESTION is what time should we do the at home iui at home? I keep reading 12/24/36 hours is best. I'm doing it at 24 hours past with the RE but we're unsure for the timing of the home iui. Any advice/thoughts/experiences are welcomed!
Ms. Magnolia
HSG- June '14
#1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
#2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
Baby BOY was born April '15


  • beyondobsessedbeyondobsessed Posts: 804
    edited November -1
    I have no way of knowing if it helped or not, but I did a home ICI about 12 hours after my IUI at the doctor's office. The IUI was done about 28 hours past trigger shot. I got pregnant that cycle.

    I had no rhyme or reason, really, for doing the ICI in that time frame. Honestly, I just wanted to get it done so I could get some sleep! I'm sure some of the others on here can give you some REAL advice :) .
  • Magnolia323Magnolia323 Posts: 185
    edited November -1
    Thanks for sharing! The timing seems to be a huge factor in success in this process. I'm reading 'YOU Having a Baby' by Dr. Oz (and others ) and they talk about how most fertilization happens after sperm is 'in waiting' in the CM day/s prior. My dr thinks that's too early and only recommends one vial per cycle via IUI at his office ~24 hours after the solid smiley. I just wasn't sure if we should do it at 12 hours, 36 hours or what!

    I think we'll do it more towards 36 so that Nichole can watch the process again- I think she's kind of nervous-which is kind of adorable ;)

    I'm a little nervous that I've not seen that solid smiley yet bc the past two months it has turned up on cd13 but I'm at cd14 now with only flashing since cd11---that's 4 days of flashing!!

    Thanks again for sharing!
    Ms. Magnolia
    HSG- June '14
    #1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
    #2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
    Baby BOY was born April '15
  • emlklg444emlklg444 Posts: 645
    edited November -1
    We used 3 vials to conceive our daughter, at home IUI. Insemmed at 12, 24, and 40 hrs past + OPK (smiley face)... don't know which vial worked. We're trying for baby #2 this month & plan to use 3 vials & the same timing. good luck!
    1st daughter born 9/26/2013 (bfp 2nd attempt at home ICI)
    2nd daughter born 3/8/2016 (bfp after 7 attempts at home ICI, 2 miscarriages, 1 D&C)
    age 36 evtim8.png
    age 39 K8qxm7.png
  • shauna2710shauna2710 Posts: 769 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I conceived with one IUI 22 hours after positive OPK. What kind of vial is coming to your house? I guess I would do the home vial at 12 hours. But it also depends on your age when you ovulate. So a later insem might be helpful.
    Cycle 6 was my lucky cycle! BFP!!!
    EDD 12/13/2013
    It's identical TWINS! They're GIRLS!
    7/20/2013 Sweet Baby A lost her battle with IUGR.
    8/26/2013 Feisty Baby B was born via emergency CSection 16 weeks premature
  • Magnolia323Magnolia323 Posts: 185
    edited November -1
    I am 30 years old and have one iui/ivf vial (sperm count 15 or 18 mil) at home and one at the dr.(17 mil). I got my solid smiley this morning.

    Do I count the hours from when I tested at 9:30 am or do I start the hours by sunrise? We have our iui tomorrow morning at 9:30 so I'm assuming that's 24 hrs... At this point I think we're doing the home iui/ici at 36. Fingers crossed!!!

    I truly appreciate the replies. Thanks all!!
    Ms. Magnolia
    HSG- June '14
    #1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
    #2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
    Baby BOY was born April '15
  • scifimomscifimom Posts: 1,173
    edited November -1
    I would go with the earlier time. Unless you ovulate *really* late, like after 48 hours. When I spoke with NW they recommended getting a vial in by 12 hours post +.
  • scifimomscifimom Posts: 1,173
    edited November -1
    Go with your gut ^^^ that's just what popped in my head. :)
  • Magnolia323Magnolia323 Posts: 185
    edited November -1
    I ended up going into the dr's at 10:30 am the day after my solid smiley. Later that night we did our home iui at 7pm. I went with later times. I don't know exactly when I ovulate as the only testing I've been successful with is the opk- even those have given me troubles. I'm on my TWW now and hoping all went well. Thanks for the replies :)
    Ms. Magnolia
    HSG- June '14
    #1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
    #2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
    Baby BOY was born April '15
  • scifimomscifimom Posts: 1,173
    edited November -1
    Sounds great! Good luck! :)
  • coteamykcoteamyk Posts: 58
    edited November -1
    Hello! I know this is an older post, but my wife and I are also planning to do one insem with the doc and one at home each cycle. I just shipped the sperm this morning (first IUI should be this weekend) I had both vials sent to the RE's office thinking they could use the first one and then we could take the dewar home and use the second vial. I haven't talked to them about that yet, but I just saw that you had one vial shipped to the house. Did you have to do that for your home IUI?

    Thanks and congrats on your pregnancy!!!
    Amy (33) & Morgan (29)
    TTC #1

  • leahleah Posts: 228
    edited November -1
    Some RE offices want you to fill in lots of paperwork to be able to take your frozen vials out of their storage. And they might also have a fee for this as well. You're better off doing the initial shipment of a few vials to your RE and then have the others shipped monthly at home as need it. You do need to have the papers with NW completed for both ship at home and work with doctor for this.
    Good luck!
  • coteamykcoteamyk Posts: 58
    edited November -1
    Well we almost learned this lesson the hard way. When we asked the doc she had to check with the lab and then the admin for the clinic. I guess no one had ever asked to take a vial/dewar home before. She came back and said that they couldn't release it to us because once it crosses their threshold there would be liabilities if we took it home and something went wrong. BUT since we were not financially prepared to do two insems with the doc they gave us 50% off of the second one so we didn't miss the opportunity for two tries this month. So awesome!!!

    In the future we'll need to have one vial shipped to the doc and one to the house. Good to know!
    Amy (33) & Morgan (29)
    TTC #1

  • hopeful2014hopeful2014 Posts: 428
    edited August 2014
    Could you have the dewer shipped to your house, then bring it to the office for your IUI? Then you'd be able to take the dewer back home to use your other vial and you'd avoid two shipping charges. For all my in-office IUIs, I always had the tank shipped home and brought it with me to my appointment (or took the vial out in the car and just carried that in).
    35 years old - SMBC * 3 ICIs, 6 IUIs, 1 ectopic, 1 chemical, blocked left tube.
    Lucky #10 - IVF!
    Two sweet baby girls (IVF 2015, FET 2017)
  • Magnolia323Magnolia323 Posts: 185
    edited November -1
    In my experience, you have to ship your vials where u plan to use them. You cannot walk a vile/dewar into a dr office bc they cannot guarantee anything about it. Shipping is expensive!! Btw we used the iui/ivf vials which happened to have a close to 20 mil count. Also when the lab counted our sperm counts it was always more than what nw counted. :)
    Ms. Magnolia
    HSG- June '14
    #1 IUI @ Dr's- June '14 {BFN}
    #2/3 IUI/ICI @Dr's and Home- July '14 {BFP!!!}
    Baby BOY was born April '15
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