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First time IUI

arivers415arivers415 Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
Hi all,
I have done my blood work and HSG test back in December but because of school and work I was never able to make any follow up appointments. I'll be calling first thing in the morning for my appointment and hope to try our first IUI next cycle!

With that being said, I'm young (22 and my wif ena dI have been married for over a year now!) and healthy and hoping first time is a charm but you never know. I just had a few questions I wanted first hand opinions/ knowledge on (I plan on asking my doctor these questions as well).

How many vials should we order? (doing IUI at the doctors office)

How many of you were successful on your first try, not medicated, at a doctors office?

Would it be worth it to try medicated for our first cycle (not sure if this is possible since we don't have any issues but if it is should we do it)?

Any other tips or advice would be great! We've been doing our research for the better part of seven months now but there's still more to learn!


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    lur&charlur&char Posts: 22
    edited November -1
    My wife and I are doing our first IUI next month and we are going to do it unmedicated. We chose that because my blood work and HSG were normal. I am 35, have regular cycles, and have been using OPKs to track ovulation. If after 3 unsuccessful attempts, we will look into going the medicated route. We just think it's unnecessary and our RE has given us the approval for the natural cycles. If we wanted to try medicated, he was willing to prescribe us the meds.
    We plan on just using one vial each cycle and we've bought enough for 6 cycles. You never know how many vials you'll need before you get BP. Also, it might be helpful to decide now if you're going to want more than 1 child and if it matters if they share the same donor.
    My friend got pregnant on her first medicated IUI. She has PCOS and was on clomid and used the trigger shot. She only bought 1 vial. Lucky lady...
    Start taking prenatal vitamins if you haven't already. Good luck!
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    arivers415arivers415 Posts: 3
    edited November -1
    lur&char wrote:
    My wife and I are doing our first IUI next month and we are going to do it unmedicated. We chose that because my blood work and HSG were normal. I am 35, have regular cycles, and have been using OPKs to track ovulation. If after 3 unsuccessful attempts, we will look into going the medicated route. We just think it's unnecessary and our RE has given us the approval for the natural cycles. If we wanted to try medicated, he was willing to prescribe us the meds.
    We plan on just using one vial each cycle and we've bought enough for 6 cycles. You never know how many vials you'll need before you get BP. Also, it might be helpful to decide now if you're going to want more than 1 child and if it matters if they share the same donor.
    My friend got pregnant on her first medicated IUI. She has PCOS and was on clomid and used the trigger shot. She only bought 1 vial. Lucky lady...
    Start taking prenatal vitamins if you haven't already. Good luck!

    Thank you so much for your response! I'm currently on hold with the doctors now to see what our next steps will be! We don't mind if our children share the same donors or not. We're a military family so moving around and being able to pay the storage fees are not really in our budget. We're planning on becoming foster to adopt parents at our next duty station! I've been on prenatal vitamins since we started this in December!
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