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exact procedure?

alinalotusalinalotus Posts: 15
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
Hi again, I'm sure I'll be posting every silly question under the sun. I have read several stories about people doing AI with a KD, and using a soft cup instead of a syringe, since the cup still sits on the cervix. My question is, with frozen sperm and using a syringe, is elevating legs and then using the cup beneficial or should you use the syringe, try to orgasm, then put the cup in, THEN elevate hips and legs? Or syringe, cup, O, elevate.....gah, what's the best formula lol?


  • K&HK&H Posts: 3,368 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    What's comfortable for you is the best choice. Seriously. If you make yourself crazy trying to do exactly some silly thing someone else said, you will be miserable. You'll find that if you are trying to see your cervix to use the syringe there will be some particular way that will work for your body, no one can say what that might be.
  • FutureSMBCFutureSMBC Posts: 1,018
    edited November -1
    Exactly, do what you think will work for you. There's no foolproof formula! I read many how to's from other members and came up with my own plan and, although I still haven't conceived, I feel really good about it.
    This is what I do:
    I lay all my instruments at arms reach on the bed, then prop my hips up and insert a little Preseed.
    Once the sperm is at body temp, I attach the catheter to the syringe and suck up some Preseed into it before adding the sperm to the syringe. I use the speculum and find my cervix with a flashlight and a mirror.
    Then I place the catheter right at the opening of the cervix, not inside, and slowly press the syringe. This takes about two minutes.
    I close the speculum and leave in there for about 20 minutes because I'm always afraid that all of my sample fell in the speculum and it comes out with it. I wait another 10 minutes and smear some Preseed on the SoftCup before inserting.
    I stay with my hips propped for another 30 minutes.
    This last time I insem at 2am so I just made myself comfortable after that and fell asleep.
    I'll tell you how well it worked in about 10 days :)
    TTC since March 2015: 5 ICIs & 5 IUIs -all BFN
    July 2016- IVF w/BC/Lupron/Gonal-f/Ovidrel - converted to IUI- BFN
    Sept 2016-IVF w/BC/Lupron/Gonal-f/Ovidrel- Two 3d ET- BFP @ 9dp3dt, Beta#1: 209 @ 12dp3dt, #2: 782 @ 15dp3dt - EDD 6/3/17 - It's a Boy!
  • hoping4number2hoping4number2 Posts: 321
    edited November -1
    I just do what feels right in the moment. We thought about trying the softcup, but after practicing insertion and removal, we were worried that it might actually lower our chances by either a) blocking the swimmers away from the cervix if our aim wasn't perfect with the syringe, or b) have to remove the softcup and reinsert and risk pulling all the semen out too. :/
    Baby #1: April 2011 TTC #2 since 2014 Attempt #10 = BFP! Baby arrived January 2016
  • Mommy2016Mommy2016 Posts: 1,037
    edited November -1
    I did not use the soft cup at all. I wasn't sure about my aim because I was doing it alone and I wanted any extra swimmers to make their way to the cervix. I used a mirror and a flashlight. Inserted the speculum and found my cervix to be open. Then it inserted the syringe (without a catheter) and injected the sperm. Then I put my legs up for an hour and used a vibrator externally (no penetration) to achieve O. Then I went to sleep.

    I don't know if it worked yet, but I don't feel bad about how I did it. I'll do it this way again if need be. It was private, comfortable, and I felt in control. I think that is the most important thing. Do what feels right for you.
    Luca Gabriel was born 10/25/17 at 34 weeks, due to PROM. He's healthy and perfect! I'm in love!
    5/2015-BFN 6/2015-Chemical 8/2015-BFN 10/2015-BFN 12/2015-BFP (miscarriage)
    2/2016-BFN 4/2016-BFN 7/2016-BFN 10/2016-BFN 11/2016-BFN 12/2016-BFN 3/2017-BFP!!!
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