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question about the ovulation tests

starviewchickstarviewchick Posts: 348
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
I need your professional opinion, ladies!

I tested with both internet cheapie and clear blue digital this am. I got a solid smiley on the digital but the cheapie is medium dark but negative (can post a pic if needed:)). Usually I go by the cheapie, but those couple of times when I did both, they were both positive at the same time. My question is - do you think I need to start counting my 36 hours since the smiley or wait for the cheapie to turn positive? Any input is greatly appreciated!!


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    RedHeatherRedHeather Posts: 600 ✭✭
    edited June 2015
    I'd go by the solid smiley. I think the chance of a false negative is much higher than the chance of a false positive.

    Were you testing on the same urine (using the pee-in-a-cup method)?
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    Mommy2016Mommy2016 Posts: 1,037
    edited November -1
    I would definitely go with the smiley. For me, it is really hard to catch my surge with the Clearblue digital, so if/when I do, I consider it to be the most positive result I can get!

    Good luck!
    Luca Gabriel was born 10/25/17 at 34 weeks, due to PROM. He's healthy and perfect! I'm in love!
    5/2015-BFN 6/2015-Chemical 8/2015-BFN 10/2015-BFN 12/2015-BFP (miscarriage)
    2/2016-BFN 4/2016-BFN 7/2016-BFN 10/2016-BFN 11/2016-BFN 12/2016-BFN 3/2017-BFP!!!
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    b&kmakebabiesb&kmakebabies Posts: 818
    edited November -1
    Smiley for sure. Like Mommy2016, I find it harder to catch the surge with Clearblue, so when I see that smiley I feel pretty confident it is correct.

    TTC from 06/2015...Baby M born 11/24/16!
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    starviewchickstarviewchick Posts: 348
    edited November -1
    Thank you, ladies!

    I still get negative on the cheap ones. Weird...
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    ana8284ana8284 Posts: 628
    edited November -1
    Not to confuse you but I'm going to be the one different opinion but only if you have PCOS or a similar disorder. Let me preface this by saying I have only used CB once but here is why. We were trying with a KD at the time and I got a solid smiley but I had no other ovulation symptoms and my IC was negative. Because I had already been working with an RE I called him and went in for an ultrasound. The US confirmed that it was a false surge and my doc said with PCOS you sometimes get multiple LH surges. My real surge happened 5 days later and I had all of my normal symptoms. Best wishes to you!

    IUI #1- 07/12-BFN, IUI #2 08/12-BFN, ICI at home 10/12- BFN, Back to Back IUI #3 08/13-BFN, IUI #4 09/13-BFN, IUI #5 03/14- BFN, IUI #6 05/14- BFN, IUI #7 06/14-BFN
    KD-10/14-BFN KD-12/14-BFN IUI #8 3/15 BFN, IUI #9 4/15 BFN, IUI #10 6/17 BFN
    Potential Adoptive Parents- Baby Due November 2017!
    IUI #8 04/15- BFN
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