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Miscarriage at 6 weeks and 3 days

MomsT&OMomsT&O Posts: 103
edited November -1 in Miscarriage/Loss
I am devastated, I was already very attached to the baby. I am hoping to try again right away, has anyone not waited a cycle and tried immediately?
Moms to a 4 year old (NW conceived)
Angel Baby 08/13/2016
TTC our Rainbow starting September 2018!
Me (24, carrying) DW (23)


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    K&HK&H Posts: 3,368 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm so sorry for your loss. With my mc my cycle did not regulate back to normal for three months. (Mine was later at nearly 12wks)
    Be gentle on yourself and do what feels right whether that be trying right away or waiting. No one else's way is right for you, only your way.
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    old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
    edited November -1
    I have lost that early. My body just kind of rebooted itself and moved on and yes, I did try again right after. I am so sorry for your loss.
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    Heather&MeganHeather&Megan Posts: 151
    edited November -1
    My miscarriage was at 5+5. I bled for about 3 days then roughly 2.5 weeks later I had my normal period. We inseminated that cycle and got our BFP. I'm 15+1 with a healthy pregnancy now.

    Even being that early, it's rough. For me, the physical part of the miscarriage sucked but wasn't painful. Emotionally, I was a wreck though. Take time for you to heal if you need it. I'm sorry for your loss.
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    ahk00ahk00 Posts: 1,420
    edited November -1
    I am so sorry for your loss. My cycle disn't go back to normal for 2 months and I needed the help of meds.
    SMBC: TTC since 12/2014: 3 home attempts: 2 BFN & 1 chemical. 3 medicated Dr assisted IUI's: 2 BFN & 1 BFP (04/24/15) with twins in May (new donor) MC with D&C @ 9w. 4th IUI 09/17/15: BFN. 10/15: hsg good. 11/15: BFN. 01/16: BFN. 05/16: Embryos arrested. IVF failed 06/16: KD BFN 07/16: KD BFN 09/16: IUI #7 with donor sperm BFP-MC at 9w w/ D&C. 02/17: diagnosed with hetero compound MTHFR & clotting mutation. 03/09/17 IUI #8: chemical pregnancy. IUI #9: 04/19/17 BFN LOOKING FOR EMBRYO'S TO ADOPT
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    OkayBabyOkayBaby Posts: 503 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm so sorry. I had a later mmc, but we tried straight away, because we couldn't find a medical reason not to. And it felt more powerful to do something than to wait. That try resulted in a chemical ... Which may or may not have been related to the mc. Pinpointing ovulation will be the hard part ... I tested HCG and Lh everyday until HCG was basically gone (2 or 3 weeks) then I ovulated the next week. Do what feels right to you- waiting or not. Hang in there.
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    grovehill123grovehill123 Posts: 404
    edited November -1
    Have you confirmed this with ultrasound? I just went through an empty sac miscarriage. I did it naturally , bled about a week /felt terrible . They checked with an ultrasound that I was clear. Then it took me another 2.5 wks to have my first period. When I asked the RE I was told 2 regular cycles.. so will cycle again in September hopefully. Be good to yourself right now, make sure you have enough iron too, I felt things were rather stronger than usual. They say chances go up, so hopefully we both find luck after. I'm sorry you are going through this.
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    grovehill123grovehill123 Posts: 404
    edited November -1
    One other thing, beta apparently needs to be at zero as well.
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    MomsT&OMomsT&O Posts: 103
    edited November -1
    Thank you all so much for your replies. I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks 5 days showing a very small empty sac and then a few days later is when I started passing tissue and bleeding heavily. I'm hoping things go back to normal quickly, but depending on how long this bleeding lasts I may wait a cycle so that it it's hopefully easier to track ovulation.
    Moms to a 4 year old (NW conceived)
    Angel Baby 08/13/2016
    TTC our Rainbow starting September 2018!
    Me (24, carrying) DW (23)
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    katookatoo Posts: 324
    edited November -1
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I had two early losses in a row, and both were devastating. My RE wanted us to wait for one normal cycle after each before trying again, but my SIL got pregnant two weeks after a miscarriage last December.
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