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Vetran Breastfeeders out there..need advice

old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
My granddaughter is 10 days old. She was full term but had some minor breathing and feeding problems that landed her in ICU for 4 days. My daughter in law is determined and trying hard but is struggling to increase supply and my granddaughter will not latch on to one of her breasts at all. We live in a rural area at least two hrs. from any lactation consultant...I know there are lots of youtube videos on increasing supply but what has worked well for you to increase supply? She is having to supplement with formula under dr. orders. She had a checkup yesterday and hasn't gained back what she lost from birth yet. Mom will only give her formula after baby has been at breast for a long time.


  • cata888cata888 Posts: 47
    edited November -1
    Does she have a breast pump, either manual or electric? She could use that for stimulation so that her body is getting the message to keep producing milk. Another thing she can try is to "bait" the baby with formula. Put some drops of formula on mom's breast and attempt to get baby to latch that way. Yet another option if she is having latch issues is to get a nipple shield and see if she will latch that way. If she is planning to supplement, she can still use the nipple shield. It has holes in it. She could squirt formula into the holes (formula will be behind the shield against mom's nipple) and get baby to latch. Baby won't get as much of mom's milk this way though, so it is still important to pump if you go this route. I've heard fenugreek helps with supply, but have not tried it. Wishing her luck. Congrats on the new addition!
  • b&kmakebabiesb&kmakebabies Posts: 818
    edited November -1
    Brewers Yeast. Make some lactation cookies. I had the same problem but somehow found the will to power pump (you can google that) and make these cookies. It took awhile, but the supply went up. Also Gatorade. It helps my supply. So weird.

    Can't really help on the latch...I'd think a shield may help.

    TTC from 06/2015...Baby M born 11/24/16!
  • New-mama?New-mama? Posts: 593
    edited April 2017
    I wonder how long is a long time breastfeeding. Babies use up calories breastfeeding so they can use up the calories they consume if they are at it too long with only a small amount taken in. How much does she pump out? how much does she supplement with?

    Biggest thing to increase supply:lots of water, rest, decrease stress, sleep, nutritious food, and stimulation. Encourage 3-4 liters of water. Have her rest as much as she can (when baby sleeps). Pumping every two to three hrs for 15-20min per side. Remind her that just because she supplements doesn't mean she won't exclusively breast fed eventually. Formula supplementation can be short term until her supply is in. Nipple shield is good to try if nipples are flat or inverted since they help pull out the nipple or give baby a larger area to latch on. They can also be used while nipple heals if it is very tender and sore. It is for short term though. I believe I have seen them at Walmart but you can check any place that has a large breastfeeding supply. Drops of sugar water or expressed breast milk on the nipple can encourage baby to latch on quicker. Using the pump for a few min before latching many help bring out nipple (evert it)

    *no previous breastfeeding experience
    *not a lactation specialist
    * i do have 5 yrs assisting new mom breastfeed.
    TTC attempt 1: ICI Dec 2015 BFN/Attempt 2-3 IUI Jan&April 2016 BFN/Attempt 4: 1ICI 1 IUI May 2016 BFN/Attempt 5-7: ICI-June, Sept, Nov 2016 BFN/Attempt 8-9 iui April 2017 BFN.
    May 2017 IUI BFP!!!!
  • tinydancertinydancer Posts: 1,210
    edited November -1
    mothers milk tea works great, double bag in a large glass and leave it in there till all drank.
    do this a couple times a day and till milk increases. leaving baby on breast for at least 30 minutes but often 60 minutes is normal and rub babys feet if they fall alsleep
  • New-mama?New-mama? Posts: 593
    edited November -1
    On the side she doesn't like you could try offering that side first, when she is the most hungry. If she is to frustrated to latch on then feed for a few minutes on preferred side until she is no longer frantic but still hungry. Then switch to the side she doesn't like. Try different positions for that side. Sugar water. Or like a previous person said, combine nipple shield and supplementing. You'd need a small tube (small feeding tube) and a syring. Put the tube next to the nipple and then the nipple shield over both. As the baby sucks someone can slowly push the syring so the baby is providing some stimulation. She is eating and it encourages her to keep going.
    TTC attempt 1: ICI Dec 2015 BFN/Attempt 2-3 IUI Jan&April 2016 BFN/Attempt 4: 1ICI 1 IUI May 2016 BFN/Attempt 5-7: ICI-June, Sept, Nov 2016 BFN/Attempt 8-9 iui April 2017 BFN.
    May 2017 IUI BFP!!!!
  • melandfomelandfo Posts: 490
    edited November -1
    I used febugreek capsules. 3 600mg capsules 3 times a day and my supply almost doubled in 24-48 hours. Then I stayed on them for months. They do make you smell like syrup!
    Courtney and Melissa
    TTC # 1 w/PCOS & Hypothyroid
    17 cycles finally BFP
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