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Thought I would say hi and post an update on Riley & Emelia

sara291sara291 Posts: 1,042
edited July 2017 in Pregnancy and Babies
It's been forever since I've posted any updates or photos. Thought I'd share for the few oldies I still see pop up here.
Riley is 7 and Emelia is now 3. Emelia is doing great. She'll start preschool in September and is quite the bossy little thing. She adores her bigger brother and it's been amazing to see their relationship grow. Riley is doing okay. Still struggling quite a bit and we're still trying to to push forward and help him develop the skills he still lacks. He recently had to leave school and spent 6-weeks going to intensive therapy services during the day. The ITS did seem to help some and now he has a huge Wrap team making sure all areas of his life is getting support. I can't believe how times flies now. Rious is 9 so this year means 10 years on these fourms.

Here are the kids this evening





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    ahk00ahk00 Posts: 1,420
    edited November -1
    What a great update! They are adorable. :)
    SMBC: TTC since 12/2014: 3 home attempts: 2 BFN & 1 chemical. 3 medicated Dr assisted IUI's: 2 BFN & 1 BFP (04/24/15) with twins in May (new donor) MC with D&C @ 9w. 4th IUI 09/17/15: BFN. 10/15: hsg good. 11/15: BFN. 01/16: BFN. 05/16: Embryos arrested. IVF failed 06/16: KD BFN 07/16: KD BFN 09/16: IUI #7 with donor sperm BFP-MC at 9w w/ D&C. 02/17: diagnosed with hetero compound MTHFR & clotting mutation. 03/09/17 IUI #8: chemical pregnancy. IUI #9: 04/19/17 BFN LOOKING FOR EMBRYO'S TO ADOPT
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