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yogibabyyogibaby Posts: 122
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
8weeks1day measuring ahead. Heart rate in 160s. All is going well as I am just trying to relax and take it day by day and think positive that all will continue to go well.

Thank you all for your support. TTC and pregnancy takes a lot of patience and has the potential for heartbreak as well as fulfillment of hopes and dreams. I wish baby dust for others on this journey.

TTC #1: August 2017 - ICI BFP- miscarried @7weeks
TTC#2: December 2017- ICI, IUI- BFP! - Will induce @ 37 weeks 4 days (9/7/18 ) Can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy! Baby here 9/8/18! 7lbs1oz and 20.5 inches long.


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    2HopefulMommies2HopefulMommies Posts: 172
    edited November -1
    So excited for you!!
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    tinydancertinydancer Posts: 1,210
    edited November -1
    so beautiful :) congrats!
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    yogibabyyogibaby Posts: 122
    edited November -1
    Thank you all. :-)
    TTC #1: August 2017 - ICI BFP- miscarried @7weeks
    TTC#2: December 2017- ICI, IUI- BFP! - Will induce @ 37 weeks 4 days (9/7/18 ) Can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy! Baby here 9/8/18! 7lbs1oz and 20.5 inches long.
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    tealbowtealbow Posts: 43
    edited November -1
    Congratulations!! Sending positive vibes!
    At home ICI Dec 2017 - BFN
    At home ICI January 2018 - BFP at 10dpo
    Baby girl born September 2018
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    yogibabyyogibaby Posts: 122
    edited November -1
    Thank you @tealbow
    I just noticed your siggy. Congrats!!! So happy for you. Sending good vibes! :-)
    TTC #1: August 2017 - ICI BFP- miscarried @7weeks
    TTC#2: December 2017- ICI, IUI- BFP! - Will induce @ 37 weeks 4 days (9/7/18 ) Can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy! Baby here 9/8/18! 7lbs1oz and 20.5 inches long.
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    reednakitareednakita Posts: 104
    edited November -1
    @yogibaby congratulations!! Which donor did you use?
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    yogibabyyogibaby Posts: 122
    edited November -1
    Thank you @reednakita

    I used two donors. I used 2 ICI vials of 8843 and 2 IUI vials of 410Z. I am not sure which one took. When the baby is born, if he is AB or B then 8843 worked. If he is A or O I won't know for sure until doing some genetic testing.
    TTC #1: August 2017 - ICI BFP- miscarried @7weeks
    TTC#2: December 2017- ICI, IUI- BFP! - Will induce @ 37 weeks 4 days (9/7/18 ) Can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy! Baby here 9/8/18! 7lbs1oz and 20.5 inches long.
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    reednakitareednakita Posts: 104
    edited November -1
    @yogibaby oh wow you're welcome. I used 3 ICI vials March 7,9,10 with 410Z. My cycle was two days late. Bled for 2 days and should have my period by the 20th of next week. All of my test have been negative but I feel pregnant. If not I will be going with another donor. Thank you for responding.
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    yogibabyyogibaby Posts: 122
    edited November -1
    @reednakita You're welcome!
    I felt very pregnant before this bfp too at the time I thought it might just be trigger and progesterone. But hindsight I think my boobs hurt worse. Fingers crossed that this is a bfp and a sticky bean for you. I didn't get a + until 11 dpo. At 10 dpo it was negative and I cried a lot. lol.
    I was planning on changing donors from both donors (just to clean the slate) if the cycle that resulted in this bfp had not worked and taking a few months to save and to contemplate.
    Not sure why everything is all quiet on this donor. He sells out and plenty of people buy his vials. 8843 was my ace in the hole due to his high sperm count and healthy term pregnancies. Wishing you baby dust. Hope this is your BFP!
    TTC #1: August 2017 - ICI BFP- miscarried @7weeks
    TTC#2: December 2017- ICI, IUI- BFP! - Will induce @ 37 weeks 4 days (9/7/18 ) Can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy! Baby here 9/8/18! 7lbs1oz and 20.5 inches long.
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    reednakitareednakita Posts: 104
    edited November -1
    @yogibaby I found out I'm not pregnant from my ICI with donor 410Z. That was my first try at home I'm going back to IUI. This time medication. I will be using donor 8843 this time. Praying I get pregnant and have our healthy child. Thank you for your positivity. I will keep you up to date!!
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