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PLEASE NOTE: NW Cryobank community boards and sibling connect groups will no longer be available after August 30th, 2024.

Donor #2678 siblings?

Hello, my wife and I just found were pregnant from donor 2678. We are interested in seeing if anyone else has a confirmed pregnancy using the same donor!


  • TwoFromTxTwoFromTx Posts: 8 ✭✭

    We are using this donor now, 1 st try last Sunday morning! This will baby 2 with nw cryo. How many tries did it take wit this donor for you?

  • aderoadero Posts: 5

    3 tries!

  • kfrench718kfrench718 Posts: 1

    My wife and I are using donor 2678! We are about a week or so away from our first IUI :)

  • LadybugLadybug Posts: 4

    My wife and I are pregnant with our first using this donor. How's everyone doing? Do you know the gender/s yet?

  • aderoadero Posts: 5

    I am currently 17 weeks with a baby girl! Do you know what you’re having yet? Looks like we have siblings!

  • LadybugLadybug Posts: 4

    That's so exciting! We don't know yet. I'm 8 weeks along so far.

  • aderoadero Posts: 5

    Aww ok. Let me know when you find out! Where are you guys from?

  • LadybugLadybug Posts: 4

    We're West Coast US. Do you know if there is a sibling registry or way to keep in touch?

  • ebrowne27ebrowne27 Posts: 3

    NW started a group but I am still the only member for 2678. Is there another group available?

  • LadybugLadybug Posts: 4

    Hi ebrowne27,

    Can you tell me where to find the 2678 group? I'd love to be involved. We're fifteen weeks along with a little boy.

  • ebrowne27ebrowne27 Posts: 3

    If you call the cryobank, you can request to be added to the group. I think you may have to fill out a form, I can’t remember.

    Congratulations! We are expecting a little girl and are almost 14 weeks along.

  • aderoadero Posts: 5

    I just joined the group I didn’t know this existed until just now lol. They made me fill out 2 forms and email them back and then they approved it.

    Congrats on the little girl! Hope you’re doing well.

  • ebrowne27ebrowne27 Posts: 3

    Please message me if you would like the link for the private Facebook page so that we can post updates and share information a little more easily! :)

  • src1216src1216 Posts: 1

    My wife and I had a baby girl in May 2021 using this donor. Looking to connect with other families. My email is

  • stephgobstephgob Posts: 1

    Hey, I just came across this group - Kind of disconnected once I got preggo.

    Iam a single mom of a boy with this donor - born Feb 2021!

  • sweet1409sweet1409 Posts: 3

    Hi everyone. My wife and I are wanting to try for a second child with this donor for our son to have a sibling.

    alas we don’t know if he will come and donate again.

    if any of y’all are wanting to sell back any vials you won’t be using, please message me!

    thank you,

    Alec 😊

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