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Stepping back for a while

jes1014jes1014 Posts: 32
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
It has been great to see such a huge wave of BFPs lately but it has also been really hard. I think I'm going to step back from the board for a while and do our last two cycles under the radar. While it is great having a cycle buddy who is experiencing the same TWW as me, it's tough to see that buddy get a BFP time after time. Since we only have two more tries before we are done for good, I'm going to focus on getting through them and then accepting what ever the final result is.

Good luck to everyone and I hope you all get your BFPs soon!


  • twondratwondra Posts: 81
    edited November -1
    (((HUGS))) It's understandable. You need to take care of YOU.
    Tammy and Mark...TTC since 2003
    12 failed IUIs, 1 failed IVF after rare fertilized eggs not dividing, Adopted 3 perfect embies in April 2010--BFN.
    Undergoing FET with 3 adopted embies spring 2011 Mark's transplant journey
  • PomsmomeePomsmomee Posts: 162
    edited November -1
    I can really understand this. I support you from afar. Come back whenever you feel ready. I was all READY to get my BFP in 2008 all charted, etc and did 2 tries & then BAM one thing has happened again & again since. During my break from TTC I had to step AWAY 100%. Not sometime or every now & then...100%. Just to keep my sanity as I wanted a baby so bad. Now, I am finally ready to come back. Hugs to you & your family. Many, many blessings with those two vials. I hope YOUR BFP is right around the corner!
    STOP Puppymills and Irresponsible Backyard Breeders! Be a responsible pet owner:)
  • WEhopeWEhope Posts: 42
    edited November -1
    I totally understand and have contemplated doing the same thing. This whole process (ttc and then losing our first child at birth and now ttc again) has made me extremely aware of our (human) capacity to genuinely hold two feelings at the same time that seem in absolute contrast to each other: such as true joy for others getting BFPs and deep sadness at not getting one myself. But, it's not easy to balance this very, very complex mix of emotions.
    I think the two of us are actually on pretty similar schedules and I will be hoping, hoping, hoping for your BFP this month. Hope to see you on the other side soon...
    With our angel, lost 10/15/09, but always with us
  • LovingMomsLovingMoms Posts: 1,078
    edited November -1
    totally understand how you feel.

    I wish you the best of luck and here is to a fast BFP!!

    July 2011 BFP, miscarried at 5 weeks.
  • FlowergirlFlowergirl Posts: 2,040
    edited November -1
    I understand so very very much... It's just so hard. And even though the constant support is wonderful, sometimes the disappointment is easier dealt with alone. The constant BFP's are so exciting, but for those of us that continue to get disappointing BFN's, it kind of can add 'insult to injury' as they say... BIG HUGS and best wishes for your BFP - hopefully your next try!!! :-)
    After 9 yrs & 1 devastating loss, we got our BFP at 9DPO ~ and welcomed our beautiful son on Halloween! Best treat ever!!

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