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ncteacherncteacher Posts: 178
edited November -1 in Trying to Conceive
Sitting in the doc's office with swimmers in hand....please send up prayers!


  • A&BbabyboundA&Bbabybound Posts: 193
    edited November -1
    Lots and Lots of prayers. Oh and Hugs too. GL!!!
    Me (38) TTC
    Wife of 6 years to Becky
    Oct 2011 BFN
    May 2012 BFN
    July 2012 BF?
    My Ovulation Chart
  • Sassy2uSassy2u Posts: 236
    edited November -1
    You are in my prayers. Best of luck this cycle.
  • alp75alp75 Posts: 340
    edited November -1
    good luck!
  • GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    Positive vibes and well wishes being sent your way.... good luck!

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
  • nervouswrecknervouswreck Posts: 379
    edited November -1
    Good luck! heres hoping your egg meets the love of its life!
  • FlowergirlFlowergirl Posts: 2,040
    edited November -1
    Thinking of you!! Wishing speed to those swimmers!
    After 9 yrs & 1 devastating loss, we got our BFP at 9DPO ~ and welcomed our beautiful son on Halloween! Best treat ever!!

  • PomsmomeePomsmomee Posts: 162
    edited November -1
    Praying your direction...:)
    STOP Puppymills and Irresponsible Backyard Breeders! Be a responsible pet owner:)
  • KTZKTZ Posts: 1,240
    edited November -1
    Okay swimmers, go hunt down that egg!
  • LovingMomsLovingMoms Posts: 1,078
    edited November -1
    Good Luck!!!!
    July 2011 BFP, miscarried at 5 weeks.
  • ncteacherncteacher Posts: 178
    edited November -1
    Thanks, girls! I can't tell you how nice it is to know that there are others going through this that I can call on....
  • sugarprincesssugarprincess Posts: 629
    edited November -1
    So how were the follies and lining??? Did they check em? I hope it all went well:)
  • ncteacherncteacher Posts: 178
    edited November -1
    Sugar, My doc hasn't checked those things...he isn't considering me to be a case of infertility...yet. Because this is only my 3rd attempt, we haven't gone down that road of extensive testing. He only put me on clomid to give us a little "boost..."

    If we have to go round 4, I told him that I want everything checked out...

    I have a feelign about this round, though...this time I had RIDICULOUS cramping afterward for about an hour...I think that my ovaries have been working overtime!
  • GoobieGoobie Posts: 3,515
    edited November -1
    ncteacher - don't discount "feelings"... I spent the first 4 cycles talking myself into feeling things I was not, and this last cycle discounting my gut feelings because I didn't want to get too hopeful!

    Need to update a ticker, Silas Anthony Jordon born Oct 11, 2013. 6th baby, so much love!
  • ncteacherncteacher Posts: 178
    edited November -1
    Thanks, Goobie! Althuogh I just read that cramping from an IUI can indicate that it was poorly timed...ugh.
  • kandmckandmc Posts: 50
    edited November -1
    Luck luck luck! and of course....sticky baby dust to you!
  • KTZKTZ Posts: 1,240
    edited November -1
    I have read that it is very common to get cramping after insemination...

    On this forum people have talked about it before.
    Good luck!
  • minnie0672minnie0672 Posts: 1,264
    edited November -1
    Oh yay!!!!! I'm so happy for you. Prayers and sticky baby dust headed your way! Here's to the TWW!
    6 IUI's resulting in BFN. 7th IUI was the fun one with pregnant...then not...then ectopic at 7 weeks...IVF #1 - miscarriage...IVF #2 miscarriage 5w6d...IVF #3 cancelled due to not growing embryos and pneumonia...IVF# 4 same old story...BFP then miscarriage...this is getting old...onto possibly Donor Egg or Donor Embryo
  • sugarprincesssugarprincess Posts: 629
    edited November -1
    Well lets hope there is not a next time for the pre-iui checks and that this one is it!
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