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gestational diabetes

kstarrkstarr Posts: 1,008
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
i failed the 1 & 3 hour tests. i'm so upset. i know there's nothing i could have done, but i just keep thinking about how this could give them health problems later in life. i go to see a specialist on wednesday to get a growth scan and counseling on how to manage my diet. my diet wasn't perfect, but i didn't think it was horrible either. anyone else have to deal with this too?
ICI #1 April 2012- BFN ICI #2 March 2013 BFN
DH had vasectomy reversal October 2013. It worked!!!
Counts are low, varicocele surgery was in August 2014.
IVF February 2016 w/ICSI transferred 2 perfect blastocysts. It's twins!!!!
Two perfect, beautiful boys born 10/24/16!!


  • K&HK&H Posts: 3,368 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Think of it instead as a time to keep their diet low sugar and high fiber! That's so healthy! You'll choose healthy foods, and make yourself exercise! Those are good things!
  • b&kmakebabiesb&kmakebabies Posts: 818
    edited November -1
    I've actually heard a lot of people say that it forced them to have healthy diets when they otherwise wouldn't have. And then those habit carried onwards after pregnancy which can't be horrible. I understand, though, I'm scared of that test. Mine is next week.

    TTC from 06/2015...Baby M born 11/24/16!
  • RedHeatherRedHeather Posts: 600 ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    I had gestational diabetes with my daughter. I was religious about checking my blood sugars and was able to keep them in line without insulin. The diet sucked, but it did keep me from gaining a lot of weight. My daughter was born vaginally at 41 weeks 3 days and weighed barely over 7 lbs, so she's living proof that having gestational diabetes does not automatically mean you'll have a big baby.

    The diet is trial-and-error at first, which can be stressful, but once you get a good idea of what works for you in terms of keeping your blood sugars in line, you can get into a routine with eating.

    ETA: Also, I've heard the risk of gestational diabetes is higher with twins, so chances are you were going to get it regardless of healthy eating.
  • kstarrkstarr Posts: 1,008
    edited November -1
    thanks for the reassurance RedHeather. my 1 hour was borderline and i was too shocked when they told me i failed my 3 hour to ask what the number was. i really don't eat bad. and i've only gained about 25lbs so far. it's giving up pasta and bread that are really going to be tough. i haven't really wanted sweets that much. i know i can manage it. i'm just really scared of how this will affect them later in life.
    ICI #1 April 2012- BFN ICI #2 March 2013 BFN
    DH had vasectomy reversal October 2013. It worked!!!
    Counts are low, varicocele surgery was in August 2014.
    IVF February 2016 w/ICSI transferred 2 perfect blastocysts. It's twins!!!!
    Two perfect, beautiful boys born 10/24/16!!
  • RedHeatherRedHeather Posts: 600 ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    As long as you keep your blood sugars in-range most of the time (an occasional high number isn't a big deal), there aren't any long-term ill effects. And since you were only borderline for the 1 hour, chances are your blood sugars haven't been high enough yet to cause any problems. The drink they give you for the tests contains way more glucose than anyone would consume in a typical meal, not to mention you're getting no protein when you do the test. In a typical meal, protein helps the body process the glucose more efficiently.

    With a little luck, maybe you won't even have to change your diet much. I ended up having to cut WAY back on carbs, but my 1-hour number was 193, which is almost high enough qualify for a diagnosis without even doing the 3-hour. On the 3-hour test, my fasting number was ok, but my other 3 numbers were elevated, with the 2-hour number actually a bit higher than the 1-hour. So, I was definitely not in the "mild" range.
  • melandfomelandfo Posts: 490
    edited November -1
    I had Gestational Diabetes. I ate super healthy and walked all the time but I was put on insulin because my waking number was always 94-98 and they wanted it below 90. Even on insulin my waking number was never below 90. So they tweaked the doses every week until I was 39 weeks when they just gave up lol. I had a big baby, he was 10 lbs 7.5 oz and 21 1/2 inches long. My family has big babies though.

    When he was born his blood sugar was perfectly fine and he was and is thriving. Healthy as can be and super tall and lean (at 1 1/2 years old).

    Just follow the diet that they give you and you will be just fine.

    If for whatever reason you end up needing insulin it is not the end of the world! You and your babies will be just fine!!!
    Courtney and Melissa
    TTC # 1 w/PCOS & Hypothyroid
    17 cycles finally BFP
  • kstarrkstarr Posts: 1,008
    edited November -1
    thanks ladies! my 1 hour number was 143. they said they wanted it below 129. i feel like i can definitely change my diet. luckily i don't mind trying new things. i had a growth scan last week and they were measuring a few days ahead, but everything else was good. plenty of room, just the right amount of fluid, and they each weighed around 2.13 lbs. i think i'll feel less anxious about everything after my appointment tomorrow. i appreciate your stories and your reassurance.
    ICI #1 April 2012- BFN ICI #2 March 2013 BFN
    DH had vasectomy reversal October 2013. It worked!!!
    Counts are low, varicocele surgery was in August 2014.
    IVF February 2016 w/ICSI transferred 2 perfect blastocysts. It's twins!!!!
    Two perfect, beautiful boys born 10/24/16!!
  • CutekiwiCutekiwi Posts: 80
    edited November -1
    I just had my test today so now waiting for my results
    I am a bit worried that I have it don't know how I could manage with out my chocolate bar
  • kstarrkstarr Posts: 1,008
    edited November -1
    good luck cutekiwi!
    ICI #1 April 2012- BFN ICI #2 March 2013 BFN
    DH had vasectomy reversal October 2013. It worked!!!
    Counts are low, varicocele surgery was in August 2014.
    IVF February 2016 w/ICSI transferred 2 perfect blastocysts. It's twins!!!!
    Two perfect, beautiful boys born 10/24/16!!
  • kelleymelkelleymel Posts: 1,402
    edited November -1
    How are you almost 30 weeks already?!?
    TTC #1: BFP Cycle #11 IVF (2014)
    TTC #2: IVF April 2017
    BFP: FET Due February 2018
  • RedHeatherRedHeather Posts: 600 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Cutekiwi wrote:
    I just had my test today so now waiting for my results
    I am a bit worried that I have it don't know how I could manage with out my chocolate bar

    For me, the hardest thing to give up was my morning bowl of cereal. It sucked, but I just kept reminding myself that it was only temporary. Hopefully you'll pass and won't have to deal with it, though.
  • old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
    edited November -1
    Ugh...not much longer to go so I hope after you can go back to a normal diet...after all you have been through I know you can do this... :)
  • kstarrkstarr Posts: 1,008
    edited November -1
    i know kelleymel! this pregnancy has seemed to fly by. i saw the dietitian today. she said my diet sounds mostly good. i just have to count carbs. i also have to test my blood 4 times a day and log what i eat. i go back in 4 weeks to see her again. then i go in weekly to get a scan of the boys to make sure they aren't too big. she reassured me that it's not my fault and there's nothing i could have done to prevent it. it's all hormonal.
    ICI #1 April 2012- BFN ICI #2 March 2013 BFN
    DH had vasectomy reversal October 2013. It worked!!!
    Counts are low, varicocele surgery was in August 2014.
    IVF February 2016 w/ICSI transferred 2 perfect blastocysts. It's twins!!!!
    Two perfect, beautiful boys born 10/24/16!!
  • old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
    edited November -1
    My daughter is 29 weeks pregnant and eats awful...everything loaded with sugar and carbs..She just passed her test...just happens I guess.
  • kstarrkstarr Posts: 1,008
    edited November -1
    maybe her body is used to a lot of sugar, so when she drank that stuff she could deal with it.
    ICI #1 April 2012- BFN ICI #2 March 2013 BFN
    DH had vasectomy reversal October 2013. It worked!!!
    Counts are low, varicocele surgery was in August 2014.
    IVF February 2016 w/ICSI transferred 2 perfect blastocysts. It's twins!!!!
    Two perfect, beautiful boys born 10/24/16!!
  • arquenleafarquenleaf Posts: 50
    edited November -1
    I had it when I was pregnant with my son. I missed the 1 hour by one point, but failed every portion of the 3 hour. I think I missed one of the portions of the 3 hour by over 200 points. Needless to say, I got an ASAP appointment with the nutritionist, and had testing done on my kidney function, and was started on insulin. I didn't really learn to much from the nutritionist, because I was already eating pretty healthy. I had a growth scan done at 30 weeks, and it was determined he wasn't growing like he was suppose to. Where I was on insulin I had to see the doctor twice a week, and have Non-stress tests done twice a week at the hospital starting at 31 weeks. I was induced at 38, due to him not growing, and issues with my blood pressure. The last 2 weeks of my pregnancy, my sugar readings were all over the place, but the doctors were afraid to increase my insulin anymore due to me having readings in the 200 after meals to having some readings in the 70s after a meal.
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