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Hello again!!

K&HK&H Posts: 3,368 ✭✭
edited November -1 in Pregnancy and Babies
Wow, I can't believe it's been such a while since I logged on here. It has been a whirlwind of busyness, but such good stuff!
Our littlest one has indeed arrived and he is just amazing. Birth was a bit rocky, I ended up with preeclampsia, was induced at 39.3wks and he was born two days later by c-section due to failure to progress. The blood pressure stuff was no joke. I was on some pretty heavy meds that were unpleasant to say the least. When I finally looked back at pictures that H had taken I could hardly recognize myself, I was so swollen and bloated. My feet were balloons and everything hurt! But I will say, I got an epidural when contractions started making me dizzy and nauseous, and it was amazing, and actually was the first successful thing that brought down my blood pressure. Through all of it our little guy was cool as a cucumber, no distress at all. He had no interest in birth, and when they did the c-section they said he was transverse and was not at all engaged in the process. But beautiful! The pediatrician gave him an Apgar of 10, which she said she had never done before, he was just so perfect. :)
He is six weeks old already, and just today I folded up his newborn clothes to pack away and got out all of the 3mo stuff. He's a great eater, i apparently have a ton of milk, and he's huge! He has already doubled the weight he came home at, and he's hit a weight that E wasn't until she was 4mos old! We're moving into some clothing that C was wearing when he came to us last year and it's just going be so so fast already!
The "big" kids have been amazing, they love him so much. E is just in love and wants to hold him all the time. C was upset at first because we were gone for almost a week in the hospital, that was really hard on him. But he's so sweet and gentle and pats H when he's upset and tries to give him toys. It's adorable. I wish I could share photos with you, but we're still not legally finalized with C's adoption, so we're not allowed.
We had court again for C, and the judge terminated parental rights on his first birthday, which was just a few weeks ago. Now we have paperwork to fill out and the state will set a court date for finalization of his adoption! They're saying they want to push it through before he end of the fiscal year, so that would be before July 1. We're keeping our fingers crossed, but these things are often delayed, so we'll see. We're planning to take all of the kids on a big vacation in July to celebrate, so hopefully it's done! ;)
E is, as always, amazing. I sat down with her a few weeks ago to check in on how she's doing with all of the changes this year has brought. She very eloquently talked about how hard it is when she doesn't get all of our attention anymore, and how annoying it is when "the babies" cry.. but then she said "but it's better than being alone". I have to admit, I cried. She's such a sensitive and empathetic soul, I don't think either of us had realized how alone she felt with no siblings. She is so over the moon in love with both of her brothers.
So, that's us in a nutshell. We're taking all three kids out of town this weekend on an annual trip we always attend. Last year we had one child. This year we have three. We are blessed for sure!


  • katookatoo Posts: 324
    edited November -1
    Congrats on the the birth and pending adoption! I'm sorry about the pre-e. I developed it postpartum, and it was miserable. I hope you are recovering it well. E sounds like a super awesome big sister!
  • b&kmakebabiesb&kmakebabies Posts: 818
    edited November -1
    Congrats. I'm so happy for your family! Hope everything continues to go well :)

    TTC from 06/2015...Baby M born 11/24/16!
  • hopeful2014hopeful2014 Posts: 428
    edited November -1
    Congratulations!!! I'm so happy to see your good news!!!
    35 years old - SMBC * 3 ICIs, 6 IUIs, 1 ectopic, 1 chemical, blocked left tube.
    Lucky #10 - IVF!
    Two sweet baby girls (IVF 2015, FET 2017)
  • old mamaold mama Posts: 4,682
    edited November -1
  • ahk00ahk00 Posts: 1,420
    edited November -1
    Congratulations! What a year it has been for your family. I am lad to hear the TPR went through & will pray that the finalization will go quickly. Many hugs.
    SMBC: TTC since 12/2014: 3 home attempts: 2 BFN & 1 chemical. 3 medicated Dr assisted IUI's: 2 BFN & 1 BFP (04/24/15) with twins in May (new donor) MC with D&C @ 9w. 4th IUI 09/17/15: BFN. 10/15: hsg good. 11/15: BFN. 01/16: BFN. 05/16: Embryos arrested. IVF failed 06/16: KD BFN 07/16: KD BFN 09/16: IUI #7 with donor sperm BFP-MC at 9w w/ D&C. 02/17: diagnosed with hetero compound MTHFR & clotting mutation. 03/09/17 IUI #8: chemical pregnancy. IUI #9: 04/19/17 BFN LOOKING FOR EMBRYO'S TO ADOPT
  • kelleymelkelleymel Posts: 1,402
    edited November -1
    I was rereading old posts today because I am nervous about my egg retrieval tomorrow, and came across so many old posts from you and others who were around here for years. I wish I could go back in time and tell us all that it will be okay and we will all have our happy ending. Congrats to you all!!
    TTC #1: BFP Cycle #11 IVF (2014)
    TTC #2: IVF April 2017
    BFP: FET Due February 2018
  • edited November -1
    Has anyone had successful pregnancies with ici-ivf anyone can give me a lil bit more information about it please and thank you
  • PatienceisavirtuePatienceisavirtue Posts: 777
    edited November -1
    So happy to hear your wonderful update! Congrats on your new little squish and progress on the adoption.

    Not going to lie, I was getting nervous and I don't even know you (aside from being around here for quite some time).
    TTC #1: 1-5 BFN; 6- BFP
    TTC #2: since June 2016...
  • StephnHeidsStephnHeids Posts: 407
    edited November -1
    So happy to hear everything is going so well!!
  • syoung0204syoung0204 Posts: 504
    edited November -1
    Congratulations!! Amazing how much can change in a year!
  • momsquaredmomsquared Posts: 59
    edited November -1
    Congrats! I wish you could have seen into the future years ago while you were struggling. So happy for you that you got your happy ending!
    December 2016 Ages 9,7,5 & 3
  • perry261perry261 Posts: 564 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Krystal - 28 - Future SMBC - PCOS - Pre-Diabetic - Insulin Resistant - MTHFR Carrier - Hypothyroidism - IUI 3/20/16 - BFN | ICI on 5/28/16 - BFP!! Sadly I miscarried on July 21, 2016 | ICI on 9/11/16 & 9/12/16 - BFN | IUI on 10/12/16 - BFP Due July 2017!!

    Charlese was born on June 17, 2017 at 8:33 AM. She was the most gorgeous baby I've ever seen. She came into this world weighing 7 lbs and 5ozs. She was 19 1/2 inches.

    Will try for #2 around September 2019! I’m ready to complete my family!
  • emlklg444emlklg444 Posts: 645
    edited November -1
    This post makes me so so happy!! Your family has had quite a long journey, and now you've got a house full of blessings! Can't wait to see photos one day :) Congratulations!!!
    1st daughter born 9/26/2013 (bfp 2nd attempt at home ICI)
    2nd daughter born 3/8/2016 (bfp after 7 attempts at home ICI, 2 miscarriages, 1 D&C)
    age 36 evtim8.png
    age 39 K8qxm7.png
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