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March, April & May babies - UPDATES ON BOTTOM :)



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    HeatherAndRaeHeatherAndRae Posts: 1,041
    edited November -1
    So we wait. No idea how to drop baby in order to put pressure on the cervix to dilate without taking herbal things that cause contractions - and we won't do that because it can raise blood pressure and that's not an option.

    Foley bulb!

    Isn't that a catheter type thing they insert? Didn't Kopykat use that? If I am thinking of it right, I believe that has to be done at a birth center when they are looking to get labor going. I'm wanting us to have things we can do at home to make the contractions she is already having more frequent and more productive. Just want to get baby's head down to where it needs to be so she will make cervix dilate.
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    ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum Posts: 1,205 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah, it is a catheter through the cervix that is inflated to put pressure on the cervix.
    I think kopykat did use one.
    I think they sometimes will send people home with them but I'm not sure and it would probably vary by provider.
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    ChinaRiverChinaRiver Posts: 138
    edited November -1
    I am now overdue. Nothing much is happening. I am about a fingertip dilated and have never had contractions. The baby is in position. The Dr. Will induce next Tues. If she is not here by then. I really want to get things going on my own. Going back to acupuncture to see if she can help get things moving.
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    HeatherAndRaeHeatherAndRae Posts: 1,041
    edited November -1
    ChinaRiver wrote:
    I am now overdue. Nothing much is happening. I am about a fingertip dilated and have never had contractions. The baby is in position. The Dr. Will induce next Tues. If she is not here by then. I really want to get things going on my own. Going back to acupuncture to see if she can help get things moving.

    Oh China ... I am sorry. :( That just plain old sucks!!! Have you been trying anything other than acupuncture..? Any of the old wives' tales (bumpy car ride, spicy food, etc)?
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    vas0326vas0326 Posts: 16
    edited November -1
    We are 32 weeks and 2 days along!! Yay, we are so excited. Also, a little nervous. This is our 3rd, but its still a little scary to add another to the family. Everything has been going great. Sam hasn't been too sick, every once in a while, but for the most part she is feeling good. She is starting to get tired more often. I am trying my best to take care of her. I have had the previous 2 babies, so this is her first pregnancy. I think we are to the point where I will have to push her out of bed and pull her out of the car. he he!
    Its great to see everyone else's journeys too. Praying for healthy babies for everyone. We are all truly blessed! :D
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    ChinaRiverChinaRiver Posts: 138
    edited November -1
    I always eat spicy food. I have been walking a ton. I left my house at 9 this morning and did not return until 10 pm. Breakfast with friends, acupuncture and then 6 hours of shopping followed by dinner. Still nothing. I hope everyone else is doing well.
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    HeatherAndRaeHeatherAndRae Posts: 1,041
    edited November -1
    Our NST yesterday went well. There was one episode of Pebbles' heart rate slowing down to below 110 - she stayed around 97-105 for 10 seconds or so but that was followed by good accelerations. However, the nurse still talked to our doctor and he reviewed everything very carefully because he is going to be gone all next week so he did not want whichever doctor on call to "blow anything off". He thinks miss Pebbles (who was RIDICULOUSLY active during the test - lol) maybe pinched her cord for a bit so it was a fluke thing. That was scary to watch her heart rate go down like that but at least it was a one-time thing. Her entire baseline heart rate has dropped but not to below "normal" level - she was always in the 130's but during our last 2 NSTs, she averaged 110-120.

    Heather's blood pressure has been completely wonderful!!! That is a huge relief!!!

    We talked to the nurse as we were leaving and I asked her what the odds are that our doctor will let Heather go over-due since her blood pressure is remaining normal. She immediately said he will not allow it. She said he is very conservative and thorough and careful and will not chance anything. She said she has been working with him for over 18 years and she is willing to put money on that. She said she is 99.9% that Heather will go between 38 & 39 weeks. I don't know if that means she will go on her own or he will "make" her go ... We see doctor on Tuesday - which is close to her 38 week mark - but it's not our doctor since he is gone. We see our doctor at close to her 39 week mark on 3/27. I'm figuring that since our dr is gone, our doctor may induce on 3/27 unless Heather goes on her own before then.

    Heather's mom talked to Pebbles yesterday and "made a date with her". Apparently their date is for Pebbles to be born the MORNING of the 18th (tomorrow).

    I guess we will see.
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    ChinaRiverChinaRiver Posts: 138
    edited November -1
    My baby girl is here. I will post details later. I went into labor on my own Fri. morning. I think acupuncture helped me go on my own. Delivery wasn't quite like I hoped it would be.
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    HeatherAndRaeHeatherAndRae Posts: 1,041
    edited November -1
    ChinaRiver wrote:
    My baby girl is here. I will post details later. I went into labor on my own Fri. morning. I think acupuncture helped me go on my own. Delivery wasn't quite like I hoped it would be.

    YAY!!!! Congrats China!!!!!!! I'm so happy she is here and can't wait to see pictures! I'm sorry the actual delivery was not what you hoped for but as long as you got your healthy baby girl out of it, it's gotta be ok. :)

    Congrats!!! (and i'm a bit jealous - lol)
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    2moms2moms Posts: 731 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    We were in L&D tonight because baby L decided she wanted to be super lazy and not move for a few hours. We couldn't find her on the doppler, she wouldn't move after eating sugary food, and she wouldn't move when we poke her. The second we get to L&D and DP gets hooked up to the machine L starts moving and has been moving all night now! It was super super scary but DP is resting now!
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    HeatherAndRaeHeatherAndRae Posts: 1,041
    edited November -1
    Today's NST was absolutely perfect - it was the best one yet. Little girl had great heart accelerations, plenty of movement and Heather's blood pressure was perfect. Then we went downstairs to see the doctor. He did not do an internal. Her blood pressure was back up by the time we got into the office but not dangerously so.

    Dr said that with her blood pressure doing what it does, if we don't go on our own by our next appt with our doctor (a week from today - our dr is out of town this week), our doctor will most likely discuss inducing around 39 weeks - which is the middle of next week.
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    LauranLauran Posts: 992
    edited November -1
    Next week sounds awesome! Glad the NST went well. :)
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    njmommanjmomma Posts: 531
    edited March 2012
    Yay, next week you will meet your baby HeatherandRae, that's so exciting!
    How is Lauran's baby girl and how is China River's baby girl doing? Congrats to both of you!!!
    I just came back from my doctor's appointment. I can't believe it, they said they found lots of sugar in my urine. When I did my blood testing for gestational diabetes couple of weeks ago, I passed with flying colors. It is just so strange that now after all this time they just started to find sugar, I will definetely cut down now on my ice cream consumption, lol. Startng from next week I will start my weekly appointments. I can't wait to meet my baby girl. :)
    Hope everyone is doing great! :)
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    HeatherAndRaeHeatherAndRae Posts: 1,041
    edited March 2012
    As of today, I am off work until after the baby is born. I really love my job but it's been so hard being at work with the little "game" Miss Pebbles likes to play - almost daily! "Are we going into labor?" "Can we get these ctx more regular?" "Nope, nothing is happening today." "Oh wait ... maybe something is!!!" Then I have to decide to go to work or not and if I do, hope nothing major happens (water breaking) and I miss the call ... it's just easier to wait at home with Heather. So, as of right now, I am off work until 4/23. It's all we can afford since I am not being paid for my time off.

    We have a non-stress test tomorrow morning. I wish wish wish baby girl would give enough of a signal that she needs to come out without being in actual danger. We don't want that, obviously! But Heather's mom is going to be in the room with us - and it's the first grandchild that she is able to be there for their birth. She leaves on Monday for 5 days .... and she was so hoping that she would have "cuddle time" with Pebbles before leaving. Now she is dreading going. **sigh**

    It will all happen the way it's supposed to ... and we've stopped being so worried, concerned or stressed about it everyday. We've relaxed, which is good. But we definitely hope little girl makes her appearance SOON!!!!

    Our next NST after tomorrow is Tuesday morning before our dr appt. As far as we know, he will check her and either agree to get her going then or schedule an induction for 39 weeks, which is Wednesday or Thursday (depending on who you ask).

    How is everyone else doing??
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    HeatherAndRaeHeatherAndRae Posts: 1,041
    edited March 2012
    WARNING: VENTING (and long)!!!!

    Gotta do my rant for the night and then I promised Heather I'll get over it! She and I agree that all that truly matters is getting a healthy baby out of this and everything else is just a step towards it. Sometimes, though, those steps are NOT FUN!! Grrr!!!

    At every NST, the nurses have told us things to come in for and every time, they have said, "If you even just have a feeling something is off, come in. We'd rather check and find out everything is fine than have you sit home when it's not." We've had a few instances where I felt more comfortable for Heather to go in but she didn't want to. I trust maternal instinct more than anything. So we've stayed home and waited things out.

    Tonight, around 8:00, she very suddenly felt very ill. She was pale, shaking, nauseous and light-headed. Around 9 she was still feeling that way. I told her that I think it might be a good idea to just go in and get things checked out. We have an NST in the morning anyway so they can just do it tonight instead. She actually agreed - which told me how miserable she felt. So to labor and delivery we went.

    The first thing we come across is a nurse from hickville. She sees a very pregnant woman leaning her head up against a wall (that would be Heather) and she yells down the hall "Can I help you?" Ummm ... no ... I just routinely haul my pregnant ass out at 9:30 at night to come to labor and delivery and lean against walls!!! The enthusiasm this L & D nurse showed to a PREGNANT woman was underwhelming, to say the least. Now I'm annoyed. Heather tells her what the situation is and she says, "Do you feel like you have the flu?" Heather says, "Yes." The nurse gave the "I'm all-knowing because I went to medical school and now I'm a nurse" look and said, "If it's the flu, there's nothing we can do for you." Now I'm angry!

    She lead us into a triage room and asks Heather to change into a gown and pee in a cup. I already knew I was going to have a word with her ... because... let's face it ... I'm like that. She comes into the room and I looked at her and said, "Just so you know, it takes A LOT for her to come in." She said, "Yeah, that's fine." I said, "Ok, good. Just want to make sure because if she feels like she has done something stupid, she will turn right around and go home." She said, "Did I say something??" Had she asked this with any tiny bit of sincerity at the thought of inadvertantly making someone uncomfortable, I would have blown it off and told her it's just me being paranoid. But there was no sincerity in her voice. So I told her that her first comment being that if she has the flu there is nothing they can do for her did not give us a "don't worry, we'll make sure everything is ok" vibe. She said, "I didn't mean it to sound that way" as she rolled her eyes and walked out. Now I'm royally pissed!

    Heather comes back in the room and gets in bed. Hickette, RN, comes in and tells us that so-and-so will be in shortly. She did not look at me or speak to me and was VERRRY sweet to Heather. Damn right you better be sweet to her! That is my wife - my PREGNANT wife - who looks like she is about to vomit and/or pass out at any moment!!! My feathers are already ruffled - then you add attitude to that and I'm on guard! Next comes ridiculously fakey-sweet nurse so-and-so. I knew the other nurse had told her about me ... whatever her opinion was. Now I'm almost amused.

    Fast forward an hour. We've been hooked up to the monitor for some time. No ctx. Definitely elevated blood pressure. Baby's heart showed great accelerations but also had several drops below 110 - which I KNOW is not normal!! Fakey-sweet, RN, came in and I nicely told her, "I know it's your job to notice this but I just want to make sure that it's noted that her heartbeat has dropped below 110 several times." (baby actually went down to 98 at one point!!!) She looks and points to the number on the display and said, "This? This is baby's heartbeat." I said, "Yes, I know. And it's went below 110 several times." She looks at the graph and says, "Yep. That's perfectly normal." I said, "Ok. Well, it happened ONCE during a non-stress test and the nurse called Dr Carlson. It's happened 3 times just in the last 20 minutes, so I wanted to make sure you know that." Fakey-sweet: "Yep. It's completely normal" and leaves the room. Now I'm aggitated AND a bit worried about our daughter.

    Fast forward to the end. Heather's blood pressure has returned to normal and she is feeling completely normal again. They drew blood and the fakey-sweet nurse tells us that her white blood cell count was "not too bad". She said that Dr Berry was on call and he was on his way to the hospital for another patient so he'd be in to see her. Based on our visit with him at our appt on Tuesday, now I'm happy. I like(d) him.

    He comes in just as Heather is going to use the bathroom. He asks me what she was feeling, why we came in. I told him her symptoms. I told him her blood pressure was up when we came in and as it's gone down, she's felt better. He said it absolutely was NOT her blood pressure causing this because it wasn't high enough. I told him it's as high as it's ever been with OUR doctor, who has diagnosed her with mild-pregnancy-hypertension. He said (with a tone I was NOT ok with - condescending), "She didn't think she was in labor, did she??!" I said, "I don't know. What I know is she did not feel good at all and we've been told to come in if she feels like anything at all is 'off'. He said, "Oh, that's not a good enough reason..." Now I'm furious.

    So, we were sent home. Her white blood cell level is elevated but not enough to warrant anything. He thinks she had an adrenaline rush. From what, I don't know. We were sitting and playing FB games and she was in the recliner. uh-huh ... adrenaline. I watched our daughter's heart rate drop BELOW the blue area of the graph (the blue area is the NORMAL range but apparently it's also normal for our baby to go down to 98 - our baby must have her own 'normal' range). I don't mind that we were sent home but I reallllllly f-ing mind how we (I) were dealt with. Now we wait. Until Tuesday. And I told Heather I am keeping my freaking mouth shut from this point on. I'm done being spoke to like I'm an idiot, like I know nothing about pregnancy or birth, or that I have no say in THIS pregnancy/birth. Heather does not see me like that but our doctor does and the nurses and doctor tonight did.
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